Revised:  09/01/2017

How to Create and Modify Financial Statements

Creating and modifying Financial Statements can be complicated.  These instructions will focus on a simple statement; however, there are more options available that are not discussed here.

There are 3 parts to creating a statement:

Template "A" contains the general ledger account information for Department A.

Template "B" contains the general ledger account information for Department B.

Column Specification "CUR" has only 1 column for the Current Period Activity.

Column Specification "BUD" has column 1 - YTD Activity, column 2 = YTD Budget, column 3 - Variance.

We can use the templates and specifications to create four different Financial Statement Codes such as:

"ACUR" using Template "A" and Column Specification "CUR"

"BCUR" using Template "B" and Column Specification "CUR"

"ABUD" using Template "A" and Column Specification "BUD"

"BBUD" using Template "B" and Column Specification "BUD"

So to create a set of Income Statements for multiple departments, you will need a Template for each department (Yes, there is a copy feature, see:  How to Copy a Financial Statement Template) and 1 Column Specification.  Then create a Financial Statement Code for each department and assign the appropriate Template and the Column Specification.

Getting Started:

Template Master

Go to Maintain>>Template Master

These instructions will focus on building a Profit-Loss statement.  The main difference to keep in mind is that a profit and loss statement will calculate year to date actual information as the activity that happens from the beginning of the fiscal year to the end date selected when running the report.  Balance sheet statements will display account balances on the end date selected when running the report.

Normally Standard will be selected as the Account Mode; however, one of the other options may create better reporting in a complicated GL Chart of Accounts.

Note:  Width amounts are based on default fonts.  Font formatting will change the requirements and you may need to increase or decrease widths to get better spacing on your report.

For Example:

In the above example, PROJECT account number amounts such as 1000-3110-00-10 for $50.00 and 1000-3110-00-20 for $100.00 will be summarized and print as 1 total in the SUB ACCOUNT general ledger number of 1000-3110-00 as $150.00.

Open the Detail Information tab:

This grid is for setting up lines with headers, formatting information and selecting general ledger accounts or ranges.

Below is a simple income statement template:

Note:  Revenue and expense values all appear as positive on the report; however, when adding revenue with expenses, the debit expense balances subtract from the credit revenue balances giving a Net Gain or Loss.

This completes a basic Income Statement template.  There are more Function commands available and the use of other Account Mode options can add flexibility and options to design statements in a more complicated GL structure.  Please call the help desk if further assistance is needed to set up a Financial Statement.

Column Specification Master

Go to Maintain>>Column Specifications

These instructions will focus on building a Profit-Loss Statement.  The main difference to keep in mind is that a profit and loss statement will calculate year to date actual information as the activity that happens from the beginning of the fiscal year to the end date selected when running the report.  Balance sheet statements will display account balances on the end date selected when running the report.

Column Type options:  Descriptions of the most commonly used

Annual Budget (Original)

Annual budget value from the Budget Master Approved column

Annual Budget (Working)

Annual budget value from the Budget Master Working Revision column

Current Budget

Budget amount for reporting period.  Working Revision /12* (number of Months in report)

Year to Date Budget

Budget amount for report end date.  Working Revision /12* (number of Months to report end date)

Current Actual

Profit-Loss - Activity during the reporting period

Balance Sheet - Balance as of the report end date

Year to Date Actual

Profit-Loss - Activity up to the report end date

Balance Sheet - Balance as of report end date

Column Calculation

Enter formulas in the Main Expression & Alternate Paren Contol (D) Expression to calculate values

Refer to the Income Statement at the end of these instructions while reviewing these instructions for setting up a Column Specification code.

Sample Profit and Loss Budget Column Specification:

Enter the following information for the column numbers:

Column Number





YTD Actual

YTD Budget


Column type

Year to Date Actual

Year to Date Budget

Column Calculation













Main Expression



C2 - C1

Alternate Paren Contol (D) Expression



C1 - C2

Customize these options to get the report you want.  You can build as many columns as needed.  Segment value of 2 was used in Column 1 and 3.  Column 2 uses a segment value of 1.  Notice the difference in the final report below.

Financial Statement Master

Go to Maintain>>Financials Statement Master

This is the final step to creating a Financial Statement.  Here you may mix and match templates and column specifications to make a report.

The following Income Statement is produced by following the steps in the instructions above.

Sample Final Report: