Revised: 11/25/2020

How to Process 1099s for AP Easy Follow

For 2020 there is a new 1099 form, you may need to file both a 1099MISC & 1099NEC

Do not start your 1099 Process before receiving your 2020 end of year update.  You will need to Pull 1099 Information after you receive your software update.  To start the 1099 process you will need Financials version or higher and be using the V16 Section 8 program  Do not pull the Section 8 1099 data using the old V11 program. 


You may also watch this How To Video on Vimeo

These are the easy to follow step by step direction for 1099 Processing.  This will use the most basic steps commonly used by Horizon Customers.  Please also see the more detailed instructions at FS_How_to_Process_1099s


NOTE:  If you have AP and Section 8 data, Horizon recommends that Section 8 data is pulled first and verified/corrected, then add AP data.

CAUTION:  1099 data is often stored in the same file, both AP and Section 8 information will combine unless different values in Add to Reporting Group are used.  Section 8 and AP staff should coordinate who will run Remove ALL 1099 Information in Work File before Pulling to delete last year's information and who will Add to Work File.

It is also recommended that all 1099 information for the same Federal ID, state ID are pulled into one company.  If there are multiple companies in Horizon, but these are for the same Federally recognized company that has one Federal ID, combine this information into one place by using the Add to Company option.

Before pulling, please verify that vendors using a Social Security number as the Federal ID and using their personal name not a company name have their name entered in the fields for Last, First, Mid, and Suffix. * This is not required if submitting paper copies to the state of Pennsylvania. However, most Horizon customers are now required by PA to file electronically.  

Pull the 1099 File

Go to Utilities>>Pull 1099 Information

On the Pull 1099 Information view

Vendor Pull Options

Select the vendor pull option:

  1. Main Vendor Name and Address
  2. Attention Line and Main Address
  3. 1099 Name Line and Address

The vendor pull option depends on where you have the information entered in the vendor master for your 1099.  If you only use the Check Information address lines, use #1.  Many customers use #3 1099 Name Line and Address

Work file options

Select Combine Payees By Tax ID 

Click on the Pull button.  (If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may go back and edit the Vendor Master, or Void checks then re-pull (re-create) the files.  Be careful if Section 8 information has already been pulled as you could wipe out that information as well.)



Edit the 1099 Information

Go to Utilities>>Edit 1099 Information.

Review 1099 Name Control Information

Go to Utilities>>Review Name Control

1099 Final Edit List

Go to Utilities>>Final Edit List.

Print 1099 Forms

Note:  Users should make sure they have an updated version of the Financial module to ensure that the printed 1099s comply with current requirements.  Formats with "Complete" in the name may be previewed to review before printing.

Go to Utilities>>Print 1099 Forms


Form Mode:  Select the Form to Print:  MISC, NEC, or INT
Warning: Changing this selection will also change the Format information selected to the Pre-Printed version.

Top Adjustment and Left Adjustment:  To be used for printing on Pre-Printed forms such as the IRS Red Copy.

Format Information:

Format Description

Print On

Preprinted Form

Pre-Printed Red Form

Complete Copy B

For Recipient

Blank Front, pre-printed
Instructions on back
MISC - use Form LMBL
NEC - use Form NECLMBL

Complete Copy C

For Payer

Blank Front, no instructions –
MISC and NEC use Form LMRNB

Complete Copy 1

For State Tax Department

Blank Front, no instructions –
MISC and NEC use Form LMRNB

Complete Copy 2

File with recipient's state tax return

Blank Front, no instructions  
MISC and NEC use Form LMRNB

PRINT: When all information has been entered and all selections are made you may Print.  Click “Print with setup” to select a printer and options, or Click “Print” to allow default to your default printer. 

·         Print 1 set of forms

·         Review your pages for any problems

·         Select the next format needed then print

·         Repeat until all copies are printed

·         Recommended: Use the Export – PDF or Email options to save a copy of the 1099 forms to a PDF file for future reference or printing.  Use the Complete Copy B For Recipient or Complete Copy C for Payer.  Save the file to a safe location that will be backed up.

Create 1099 File  

Go to Utilities>>Create 1099 File

If you are submitting your 1099 information electronically to the IRS, there is no need to print the red copy of the 1099 or the 1096.

NOTE – make sure the name control field is filled in on all 1099 records…see Review 1099 Name Control Information

There a 4 file types created in this process based on the field selections in Agency Mode and in Form Mode.

File Created

Where to submit

Agency Mode

From Mode

Federal MISC

IRS at


1099 MISC

Federal NEC

IRS at


1099 NEC




1099 MISC




1099 NEC

Upload the file you created to the
or to PA E-TIDES at 
