Revised: 03/12/2013
Cancellation Vouchers are used to cancel a POSTED voucher that you do not intend to pay.
Go to Activities>>Voucher Entry
Go to Quick Links>>Special Vouchers>>Cancellation Voucher
The Voucher Cancellation Grid will open
Enter the Pay Group and press the Rebuild Grid button located on the bottom left of the cancellation window
Place a check in the box next to the voucher you need to cancel
Enter the transaction date (at the bottom of the grid.) This is the date you want the voucher to be cancelled in the General Ledger.
Press the Create Cancellation Vouchers button
This will create a negative voucher that will cancel your original entry and take you back to the AP Voucher Entry screen.
Close the AP Voucher Entry screen
AP Voucher Edit List
Go to Activities>>Voucher Edit List
Select the Pay Group and
Depending on Accounts Payable Settings, some of the following fields may be available for entry:
To post a specific voucher from among many, enter the voucher number. If posting only one or all vouchers, leave this field blank.
Enter a Starting and Ending G/L Date or Due Date
Select AP - Accounts Payable or All Sources as the source.
Press Preview or Print
Review the list to ensure that the cancellation voucher is correct
If you need to edit the Cancellation Voucher…go to Voucher Entry and select the voucher using the Voucher Number browse and make your corrections.
Post AP Vouchers
Go to Activities>>Post Vouchers
You can enter the Pay Group to post each group separately, or leave it blank to post all vouchers that have been entered.
Depending on Accounts Payable Settings, some of the following fields may be available for entry:
To post a specific voucher from among many, enter the voucher number. If posting only one or all vouchers, leave this field blank.
Enter a Starting and Ending G/L Date or Due Date
Select AP - Accounts Payable or All Sources as the source.
Press the Post button to begin the posting.
If you receive an error report - correct the identified vouchers and Post again.
Print the posting register for your records.