Revised: 11/19/2014
Go to Activities>Voucher Entry
Go to Quick Links>>Special Vouchers>>Void Check
The Void Check Selection Grid will open
Select the Check Book ID. Enter the check number in both the Starting and Ending Check fields. If you do not have the exact number or have several checks to void, enter a range of check numbers in the Starting and Ending Check fields. Press the “Build Selection Grid” button
Place a check in the box next to the check or checks you need to void
Enter the transaction date (at the bottom of the grid.) This is the date the voided check will be added back to the checkbook balance and to the General Ledger. It is very important to have a transaction date in this field. Horizon recommends that you do not use a date earlier than Bank Reconciliations have been completed for.
There are 3 void option buttons:
Press Void Only to void the check. This will create a negative voucher that, when posted, will void the check and reverse the General Ledger entries from the original voucher and check processing. Do not alter the created voucher, it needs to post as is.
Press Void and Re-Issue if a new check will be needed. Using Void and Re-Issue will create two vouchers. A negative voucher for the void which should not be altered, it needs to post as is. The second is a positive voucher for the reissue. This voucher you may alter and correct any incorrect information. For example: change vendors, dates, amount, general ledger numbers and even the pay group. After posting you may print the check through the normal check processes.
Press Void and Re-Issue (Check Only) if a new check is to be issued to the same vendor for the same amount with no changes to the expenses that were already posted. This option would be used, for example, in the case of a lost or damaged check. This method will create two vouchers. Do not alter or edit either of the two vouchers, they must post as created to process correctly. The first voucher is a negative for the void and the second is a positive for the reissue. After posting you may print the check through the normal check process. If the regular check stubs show distribution information, this reissued check stub will only show one distribution line with "Void (Check Only)" as the reference.
Note: Checks being reissued that were originally entered as Non Accounts Payable, will have the reissue (positive) voucher created as a Regular A/P. You may change these to Non Accounts Payable and a new Check # and Check Date entered. This is the only change that should be made to Void and Re-Issue (Check Only) vouchers.
Regardless of your selection, you will be taken back to the AP Voucher Entry screen
Review and edit vouchers as needed. Refer to the instructions (above) about what changes may be made.
Address changes
For regular vendors: Change the address in the Vendor Master. Checks will always print the address saved in the Vendor Master regardless of what address was saved at the time of voucher entry.
For *MISC , *TEN or other * vendors, you may make corrections in the voucher for the mailing address if it is different from the original check. These miscellaneous vendors will always print the address saved in the voucher.
Close the voucher entry screen
AP Voucher Edit List
Go to Activities>>Voucher Edit List
Select the Pay Group and
Depending on Accounts Payable Settings, some of the following fields may be available for entry:
Press “Preview”
Review the list to ensure that the entries are correct
If you need to edit the entries…go to Voucher Entry and select the voucher using the Voucher Number browse and make your corrections.
Post Vouchers
To post, go to Activities>>Post Vouchers. You can enter the Pay Group to post each group separately, or leave it blank to post all vouchers that have been entered.
To post a specific voucher from among many, enter the voucher number. If posting all vouchers, leave this field blank.
Enter a Starting and Ending G/L Date or Due Date
Un-select Source Selections or Transaction Types to post only the selected types.
Press the Post button to begin the posting.
Print the posting register for your records.