Reviewed: 11/26/2012
Go to Tools>>Rebuild G/L Reporting
Select Period/Segment to Close
Select by the Year to Rebuild or select by the Segment: You may type in the information or use the browse button to select your year/segment
If your company does not use "Using Segment Controlled Accounting Periods", selecting by Year to Rebuild or Segment will return the Year to Rebuild and Segment as "Master Control". This process will rebuild the general ledger reporting for the entire company for the year selected.
If your company does use "Using Segment Controlled Accounting Periods", but NOT the "Segments Can be in Different Accounting Years", you may select the "Master Control" for the year to rebuild the entire company general ledger or you may select a segment for the year to only rebuild that segment.
If your company does use "Using Segment Controlled Accounting Periods" AND ALSO the "Segments Can be in Different Accounting Years" you must select a segment for the year. Each segment must be rebuilt separately. The "Master Control" segment will not be available.
Click Process
Rebuild Complete
Click OK on the rebuild complete info box
In the General Ledger Settings program on the System Information tab under Accounting Period Control:
Using Segment Controlled Accounting Periods
This box will be unchecked if the company only has one Accounting Period to track. The End of Year Processing and Rebuild General Ledger Reporting programs will only have the “Master Control” option for each fiscal year.
If this field is checked the system will support multiple Accounting Periods based upon the Master Segment. The purpose is to track the opening and closing of each Accounting Period separately. A fiscal year should be set up for each Master Segment in the Accounting Period Master.
Segments Can be in Different Accounting Years
If this option is UNCHECKED then:
The Accounting Periods dates must be the same for all Segments of the same Fiscal Year. I.E. All Segments for Fiscal Year 2011 must start 7/1/2010 and end 6/30/2011, or all Segments for Fiscal Year 2011 must start 1/1/2011 and end 12/31/2011. You cannot have any Accounting Periods for a Fiscal Year that contain different dates
You may run End of Year Processing and Rebuild General Ledger Reporting individually per Master Segment or all together using the “Master Control” option for the Fiscal year.
If this option is CHECK MARKED then:
"Using Segment Controlled Accounting Periods” must also be CHECK MARKED in order to function. If not the program will disregard this option and only the Master Control Segment will be available.
Your Accounting Periods may have different fiscal years. I.E. One Segment for Fiscal Year 2011 could start 1/1/2011 and end 12/31/2011, and another Segment for Fiscal Year 2011 could start 7/1/2010 and end 6/30/2011.
You must run End of Year Processing and Rebuild General Ledger Reporting individually per Master Segment.
The Master Control period will not be available for this company.