Revised:  09/28/2016

Edit Layout

This area of Merge Setup is used to create the letter/form template.

File Path

This section of the program displays the name and the path to where the file is saved.  In this instance it is R:\HORIZONSOFTWARE\forms\HR and the name of the template is Employeelist.lst.


Program commands and functions can be found un File, Edit, Project, Objects and View.  Also, along the top and left side of the view are icons that represent the commands and functions.


The following windows are available on the left side unless closed:


The Objects window shows all of the objects that have been placed on the template such as text fields, formatted fields and variables.


The Layers window shows the layers or pages that are available for the template.  For a one page template the Base, First Page and Following Pages are always shown.  If all three are checked, the objects that are added will usually be on the base page.  If the template will have more than one page, uncheck base and following pages and only check the page that is being worked on.  

To Add a Page

If Layers has been closed, it can be re-opened by going to View>>Windows and check mark Layers.


The window will show a preview of the template.  If closed it can be re-opened by going to View>>Windows and placing a check mark in Preview.

The Properties window is on the bottom left and contains the settings for the active object.

The Variables/Field-List window is shown on the right side unless it is closed.

Page Design

The page design or template design area is in the middle and can be seen in one of the following options:

The template/page can be designed in any of these.

Using the Controls:

Use the control icons along the far left side of the Edit Layout view or use the menus at the top of the view to insert text and objects onto the form/letter template.  The controls are explained below in the order the icons are displayed.  I will only explain the icons/controls that are most used.


 This is the select tool  It may be activated from the control on the left side of the edit layout, or you may use the keystrokes CTRL S; or you may activate it from the menu by going to Objects>>Select>>Selection Mode.  This is the default "mode" for the cursor when Edit Layout is opened.

For example:  Click on the Select tool and drag it across the page to select one item or a group of objects on the page.  AFter the object or objects have been selected you may move them as a group to another location (drag n drop).


 Use the text icon to insert text boxes into the template.  The keystrokes for text is CTRL T or from the menu go to Objects>>Insert>>Text.

Formatting in a text box can only be done for the entire line.  If other formatting options are desired, use the Formatted Text control.

For example:  Click on the text icon and drag the cursor on the page to insert a text box.  Double click the text box to open Paragraph Properties as shown below:

Double click on the dotted line in the left window to open it further.  (---) on the left side of the view.  This will open the Edit Text dialog box.

Text can be entered into the bottom panel, but the text must be enclosed in " (quote marks).  Text can also be entered by clicking the Text tab.  After text has been entered in the text window, click insert.  The text will drop into the bottom window and be inclosed in quotes.


Entering a Variable in a Text field

While in the Edit Text dialog box, open the variables folder by clicking the + sign.  Open folders under the variables folder either by double clicking or by clicking the plus sign.

Double click the information that you want to insert.  The information will be shown in the bottom window.  This information does not need to be enclosed in quotes.

Two variables may be linked with a + between them.  A space can be inserted between the two variables by enclosing the space between quotes.  The space must also be linked with a plus sign.  Example:  Employee.First_Name+" "+Employee.Last_Name  

Variables shown on the far right may be dragged and dropped onto the page instead of placing a text box and then opening Paragraph Properties>>Edit Text and inserting the variable.  When the variable is dragged and dropped the text box is created automatically.  A second variable may be dropped inside the same text box to create another line.

Caution:  If you drag a variable directly onto/into a formatted text box, it will wipe out all of the text.  Undo does not fix this.  If you have been saving frequently you may close out of the form without saving changes.  You will loose any unsaved information, but all saved text will still be available.

Other Formula Options:

After entering your information, click OK at the bottom of the view.  You will be back at the Paragraph Properties view.  Formatting for one or more lines can be done at this time such as font, paragraph spacing and justification.

For example, highlight the line(s) and double click Font on the right side.  The font dialog box will open.  You can select a font, style and size at this time.  You can also do formatting after you close Paragraph Properties using the formatting information shown above the text box.

Note:  By default the font usually is Arial, Regular and 10 for the template.  To change the default font for the entire document, go to Project>>Options and open the Objects tab.  Press the Select... button to open the font dialog box.  Select the default font, style and size for the template and click OK.

When you have finished click OK to close the Paragraph Properties box.  


 Use the line button to draw lines on the page.  Tables can be manually drawn in with the lines.  From the menu go to Objects>>Insert Line or use CTRL + L.

Change the number in the window to 0.005 or higher to darken the line.  Click OK to accept your change or cancel to close the box without changing the line width.

TIP:  Copy a formatted line and paste (CTRL+C to copy, CTRL+V to paste).  Then move to where you want the line placed.

To tweak the line - for example how straight it is.  Use Position under Properties:

When the number on the left matches the right (in this picture it is 2.790) the line will be straight.  The number are different depending where the line is on the page.

Use the position and size information when making a table.

Adding .25 to a pasted line (need to make the left and right number the same) will space it evenly from the line that was copied.  Repeat this process to get the lines in a table.


You can copy a letter or form from Word, pasting it into a formatted text box, and the table will sometimes copy over correctly.  Formatting in the word document will usually come over into the template.


Click the rectangle icon or go to Options>>Insert>>Rectangle or CTRL+R.


Click the ellipse icon or use Options>>Insert>>Ellipse or use CTRL + I.


 Click the picture icon, CTRL + P or go to Options>>Insert>>Picture to add a picture to the page.


 Barcodes are not used in the Paryoll module at this time.


 Tables are not used in the Payroll module at this time.

Formatted Text

 Click the Formatted Text icon or use CTRL+F or go to Objects>>Insert>>Formatted Text.

Form Control

 Click the form control icon or go to Objects>>Insert>>Form Control.

Form control fields can be used to allow users to type in information or check a box when a template is previewed before it is printed.  

The remainder of the controls are not used.