Revised:  02/26/2013

How to Set an Employee's Direct Deposit to 2 Different Bank Accounts

Employee Master

Go to Maintain>>Employee Master

The Employee Master's direct deposit settings only allows for 1 bank account for the net pay to be deposited to.  In order to have direct deposit split between 2 bank accounts, the second account has to be setup as a deduction.  This is often done for a credit union.

This help file assumes that the Deduction/Benefit Code is already created.  If the deduction has not been created, please see How to Setup a New Payroll Deduction or Employer Expense.

Go to 6-Deductions/Expenses

Setup an employee deduction for the second direct deposit bank account

Payroll Settings

Go to Settings>>Payroll Settings

Deduction/Benefit Master

Setup the deduction code to process as an electronic payment.

Go to Maintain>>Deduction/Benefit Master