Revised:  08/24/2012

How to Adjust Earnings for an Employee

An employee's earnings may be adjusted in the next regular payroll run or in Manual Check Processing.

Which process to use would depend on circumstances, timing and company policy.

Adjustment should be done in the next regular payroll if:

Go to Adjustment in Regular Payroll Process

Adjustment should be done in Manual Check Processing if:

Adjustment may be done in either the next regular payroll run or in Manual Check Processing if:

Adjustment in Regular Payroll Process

To adjust an employee's amount paid from a previous pay period, go to Activities>>Time Card Entry.

When the Earning Code was a hourly pay type:

To add back the correct hours to a different code such as Sick:

When the original Earning Code was a Salary pay type:

To add back the amount to a different code such as Sick:

IMPORTANT NOTE:  All transaction dates used for the General Ledger are based on the pay period and the pay date.  

Void and Reissue Check

The Void and create a new corrected pay check is done in Manual Check Processing.  This is always done as 2 steps:

Note:  Print the Pre Check Writing Report and Check Register from the processing of the Void.  Use these reports to enter and check the data entered for the replacement check.