Revised:  05/06/2014

How to Process Entitlements

Reset Entitlements

 This process only needs to be run if the entitlement you are planning to post is based on hours as established in Maintain>>Entitlement Master, and should be run before going to the next step to ensure the hours are reset to zero before processing for the next cycle.  NOTE>  If for some reason the hours should NOT be reset, skip this step.

 To Reset, or Not To Reset - that is the Question:

 Reset after you have completed adding entitlement for the entire period.  Most users post entitlements by the period.  I.E. Monthly is posted 1 per month,  Annual is posted 1 per year.  If posting once per period, you will always reset before starting processing.

 If you post more often than the period: such as if you post entitlements after every check run.  

 For Example:  Posting monthly entitlements: after the first check run of the month you will reset entitlements then process.   Employees who have already reached the minimum will receive their time.  These employees will not receive more until after a reset has been done.   After the next check run, do not reset before processing entitlements.  Employees who have now reached the minimum will receive their time.  After each check run in that month, do not reset.   Once you are ready to start processing in a new month, use the Reset before processing the first time.

Go to Utilities>>Automated Entitlements>>Reset for Next Cycle

Review Entitlements

Go to Utilities>>Automated Entitlements>>Entitlement Edit List

Review the list for accuracy.  Any adjustments necessary should be made in the Employee Master or under Manual Entitlement Processing

Post Entitlements

Go to Utilities>>Automated Entitlements>>Post Entitlement

You are done.