Created:  04/17/2014

Document Additions

Documents may be attached to the Vendor Master using this program.

Quick Links>>>

Note:  Quick Link functions are usually used after all information is entered in the view.

At the top of the view are the following functions:

File Location


Type in the file path and name of the document or use the browse feature on the right of this field to locate and enter the path/name for the file.  The file information will be displayed in the following locations:

Location/Document Type

Object Location

When applicable, the location of the object will fill in.  This field may be blank.

Object Type

When applicable, the type of the selected document will be displayed.


A Category may be selected for the document.  Categories are used to sort the documents after they are attached.


Document Title

This information will fill in after a document is selected.

Document Date and Time

The Date and Time will automatically fill in for the selected document.


Comments may be added for the document to further assist users to know what the documents pertain to.

File Grid

If there were multiple documents in the selected folder, they will all be displayed in the grid.