Revised: 06/22/2015
Go to Maintain>>Vendor Master.
Entering a new vendor
The Vendor # may be setup for the user to enter a new unique code number, or it may be setup to auto-create with the next available number. If you are not sure how your vendor numbers are assigned, check your setup in the Financial module under Settings>>Accounts Payable Settings and open the Vendor Setup/Import Setting tab.
If the Assign Vendor Number box is checked, then the program is set to auto-create the next available number. Leave the Vendor # blank.
If the Assign Vendor Number box is NOT checked, enter a new unique alpha numeric Vendor # up to 8 characters in length and tab.
Enter the Vendor Name and Tab
On the “Main” screen under Check Information enter the address, city, state and zip code, as these will print on the check. Attention and phone information are optional and may be left blank. Tab through each field as you enter the information.
On the “Main” screen under Parameters, select a Status of Active
Type is an optional field that will allow a search for vendors based on the Type. Additional types can be setup in Settings>>Global Table Maintenance. Use the code VENDORTYPE. See How to Setup Vendor Types
Race is an optional field used for certain government reporting.
If this vendor is a potential 1099 vendor, check Send 1099 and fill in the Federal ID #. Note: A 1099 cannot be sent without a Federal ID.
If the vendor has filled out a W9, enter a check mark in the W9 Returned box; otherwise, leave this box unchecked.
Terms may be selected from the drop down list. The terms will be used as the default for this vendor. If your organization does not use payment terms for vendors, you should select “NOTERMS” from the list.
You may also enter an optional Credit Limit for this vendor. This information is not used by the system and may be left blank.
“Last Invoice” should be left blank as the system will update it.
Hit Tab to move to the “Defaults/ACH” screen. This section is used for default information that will be used in AP Voucher Entry and is optional
You may select the default Paygroup, GL Account and Stub Sorting from the drop down or browse lists. These defaults will be used during AP processing.
“Account #” would be the account number assigned to you by that vendor and is optional unless you are paying the vendor electronically and will be selecting "Account Number from Vendor File" for ID Number.
If the vendor will not be paid electronically, select Standard Paper Checks as the Electronic Type. The remaining fields under ACH/Electronic Settings may be left blank.
If the vendor is to be paid electronically, select an Electronic Type of Bank ACH or Other Electronic.
Select an Account Type of Demand/Checking or Savings where the payment is to be deposited.
Enter the bank's routing number in Bank Route.
Enter the vendor's Bank account number in Bank Account.
Checkmark the Addenda Record Required if one will be required for the transaction.
If the Addenda Record Required has been checked, enter the Addenda Format you have been given in Addenda Format.
The ID Number and ID Name fields determine the information that is sent to the bank with the ACH file. If your vendor has a specific request for information, select the option that will include the information requested. If unknown, Horizon recommends selecting "Account Number from Vendor File" for the ID Number and "Vendor Name" for ID Name.
After completing the Vendor Defaults screen, using your mouse, select the “PO Address” screen
The PO Address screen is used by the Purchase Order program. You should Tab through this entire screen and it will fill from the Main screen. Make changes as necessary and Tab through the screen until the program moves to the “1099 Address” screen.
The 1099 Address screen is used for creation of 1099s and can be different than the Vendor’s normal mailing address. You should Tab through this entire screen making changes as necessary.
Name Control is a required field if 1099 information will be sent electronically and should be filled in using the guidelines found in IRS publication 1220. In general this is the first 4 characters of a person's last name or the first 4 characters of the company's name. If 1099s will not be sent electronically, the Name Control field may be left blank.
1099 Type may be used to select the 1099 box type that this vendor's payments will usually be recorded as. If the AP payment was expensed to a GL account that has a different box type selected, then those expenses will be recorded to the box that the GL account has set.
You may add Contacts or Notes for this vendor on the last 2 screens of the Vendor Master. Otherwise, hit “Save” at the top of the screen to add this Vendor.
Changing or Maintaining a Vendor
Go to Maintain>>Vendor Master
Next to Vendor Number or Vendor Name, hit the Browse button to find the vendor you want to maintain.
Select the vendor from the list
This will bring the selected vendor into the current view
Using your mouse, you may click from screen to screen and change the information necessary. Please note that key values are fields that may not be changed. The vendor number is a key value field.
Note: The vendor number may be changed using the Renumber Vendor Information tool. Go to Tools>>Renumber Vendor Information. Select the vendor using their Number or Name and then enter the new Vender Number and press the Renumber button.
Hit “Save” to save your changes
If you select the “Purchases” tab, you will see the Monthly total purchases for the current calendar year for the vendor selected. Purchase information should be rebuilt for each calendar year to remain current.