Revised: 01/28/2016
1099s may be pulled at any time by date range.
NOTE: If you have other modules that process 1099 information you should coordinate how and when the information is pulled if they are in the same company.
CAUTION: All 1099 data is stored in the same file, AP, Rep Payee and Section 8 information will combine unless different values in Add to Reporting Group are used. Rep Payee, Section 8 and AP staff should coordinate who will run Remove ALL 1099 Information in Work File before Pulling to delete last year's information and who will Add to Work File.
It is also recommended that all 1099 information for the same Federal ID, state ID are pulled into one company. If there are multiple companies in Horizon, but these are for the same Federally recognized company that has one Federal ID, combine this information into one place by using the Add to Company option.
Pull the 1099 File
This utility will pull the payment information for Clients that have had interest accumulated throughout the year.
It is also recommended, but not required, that the client's social security number be entered before pulling the data. Blank social security numbers must be entered in the "Edit 1099 Information" program in the Recipient's ID field before printing. Clients with a blank Federal ID will not print a 1099 form.
When 1099 information is pulled, the program will default payment information to the Interest box.
Go to Utilities>>Pull 1099 Information
On the Pull 1099 Information view
Select the Interest Code (if more than one interest code was used during the year, this process should be run for each interest code)
Enter the Start Date: Enter the beginning of the year you are printing the 1099s for - example: 01/01/2017
Enter the End Date: Enter the date for the end of year you are printing the 1099s for - example: 12/31/2017
For the first pull, the Wipe out 1099 edit area box should be checked to remove 1099 information for the previous year unless 1099 information has been pulled for another module.
After making these selections click on the Create 1099 Records button. (You may re-pull (re-create) the files if you are not satisfied with the outcome but be careful if another module's information has already been pulled as you could wipe out that information)
Edit the 1099 Information
Go to Utilities>>Edit 1099 Information.
You may edit/change information in this area
You may add other 1099s manually, if needed
1099s may be deleted from this file
The Reporting Group field has been added to assist in manually adding 1099 information to a specific Reporting Group.
If you pull again using Wipe Out 1099 edit area after editing the 1099s, the edited information may be replaced.
Review 1099 Name Control Information
Go to Utilities>>Review Name Control
If you are submitting the 1099s electronically, the name control fields must be filled in.
Name Control – name control information may be entered here for files missing the information or click on the “Generate Name Control Information (Best Guess)” button at the bottom of the view. Please review the results for errors. Call the office or review IRS Publication 1220 for complete instructions on name control rules.
PLEASE NOTE: This program makes a best guess at the name control and should be reviewed. The Name Control should be a four character ID using the first four letters of a person's last name or the first four letters of the company name. Do not use special characters such as spaces, -, !, @, #, etc.
1099 Final Edit List
Go to Utilities>>Final Edit List.
Enter a Reporting Group or leave blank for all.
Select up to 3 different report options from the 10 column selections available to print on the report. Section 8 should include Rents.
Dollar Limit: Enter a dollar amount to preview or print a report for 1099s above the amount entered. For example if 600.00 is entered as the limit, only 1099s with totals above 600.00 will be shown on the report.
Press either the Preview or Print button to view or print the report.
If any of the information is incorrect, please correct the information in the edit area.
Print 1099 Forms
Note: Users should make sure they have an updated version of the Financial module to ensure that they are printing 1099s for the correct year. Print a test page to make sure that the form lines up correctly before printing all of the forms.
Go to Utilities>>Print 1099 Forms
Company Information – If the correct company information is not displayed, enter it in the appropriate lines or correct in the Company Information program. (Go to System>>Company Information.)
Federal ID – Verify the correct Federal ID is entered here and it has no spaces or hyphen
Start and Ending Control:To print all the 1099s leave the Starting and Ending Control fields blank. (Control numbers may be found by checking the edit screen). You may enter a range of control numbers to print selected 1099s.
Enter or select a Reporting Group to print those 1099s associated with it or leave blank for all. Leave this field blank if you did not use reporting groups.
Select one of the following:
Format Information:
Select 1099 Interest
Dollar limit: Enter a dollar amount to print 1099s above the amount entered. For example if 600.00 is entered as the limit, only 1099s with totals above 600.00 will be printed.
A top or left adjustment can be entered if your printer prints the forms slightly off. Recommended for Pre-Printed Forms: Print 1 or 2 Control Numbers to plan paper and hold it up to a form to see if it is aligned. If the from is not printing in the boxes, try 25 and 25 and print again. Negative numbers may be entered to move the other direction. Use different amounts until printing aligns within the boxes.
Repeat the steps for printing the 1099 forms until you have all of the pages that you need printed.
The 1096 form is not available to print.