Revised: 07/28/2015
Go to>>Recurring>>Recurring Expense Template
Recurring Number - leave this field blank as the system will assign the next available number to a new template.
Inactive - Leave this field blank for a new template or a template that will continue to be used. This field is used to mark existing templates as inactive or not used. Enter a check mark in the Inactive box to stop the use of this template.
Note: The Retain Transaction Code and Retain Client information check boxes at the top of the view are used to retain the associated information for the next template. These boxes are used when entering multiple templates.
Place a check mark in Retain Transaction Code to have the Transaction Code and Modified Description remain in the entry view to be used for the next template. Use this when entering multiple templates for the same expense code. Leave the box unchecked if you are not entering multiple templates or if the Transaction Code will be changed for the next template.
Place a check mark in Retain Client Information to have the selected Client remain in the entry view for the template. Use when entering multiple templates for a client. Leave the box unchecked if the next template will not be for the same Client.
Client Information
Select the Client Number for the template and tab
The selected client's last name, first name and middle initial will be displayed
Transaction Information
Select a Frequency for the transaction and tab
The Modified Description will automatically populate, but may be changed to a more detailed description for the template and tab
Check Interface to Accounts Payable to send voucher information to accounts payable for payment and tab. Remove the check mark if a check will not be cut for this transaction, such as for automatic or electronic payments.
Check Print Separate Check if you wish to print a separate check for this transaction and tab
Payment Options
These fields are used for making payments on a large balance. For example: A loan
Total: Enter the Total amount that is to be paid until the balance will be zero
Paid: If part of the total has already been paid, enter that amount in this field. Each time the template is pulled to the Edit Grid the Paid will increase by the Transaction Amount. Once the Paid amount is equal to the Total amount, this template will no longer pull.
If the remaining balance (Total - Paid) is less than the Transaction Amount, only the amount of the remaining balance will pull to the Edit Grid.
If this recurring expense is pulled to the Edit Grid and then deleted, canceled or voided, it will not reduce the Paid amount. You will need to correct the Paid amount manually.
Note: These fields are used for making payments on a large balance for a certain frequency. For example: A loan.
Accounts Payable Information
Enter a Purchase Order # if applicable and tab
Enter or select a Vendor Number or tab to vendor name and enter or select the Vendor Name and tab
Once the vendor number or name has been selected, the address information will be filled in (If it is entered in the vendor master)
Invoice Information
Enter the Invoice Number if this transaction has an invoice associated with it and tab
Enter Reference information if any and tab
Enter the Transaction Amount. Note: This amount may change from month to month. This can be adjusted in the Recurring Expense Edit grid later.
Tab and it will prompt you to save this transaction, or simply click the save icon at the top of the Recurring Expense Template entry screen.
Repeat these steps to add additional templates.