Revised: 07/28/2015
This process is used to distribute expenses or interest to all applicable clients based on either their balance or their transactions. An example of this would be passing the cost of new checks on to the clients or assigning interest the account has earned. If you are not familiar with this process, please call the Horizon Support Representative for assistance.
Go to Utilities>>Distributed Calculation
Transaction Information
Note: Leaving the paygroup blank may require multiple income postings - one for each paygroup that has been assigned
If a paygroup is entered here, that paygroup will be assigned to ALL clients that have a matching paygroup.
The paygroup must be valid and at least one client must have the paygroup assigned in the client master.
CAUTION: If you are using multiple paygroups for one checkbook, this program will assign the entire amount only to those clients that have the paygroup assigned in their Client Master. To have the program assign the amount to everyone, it would be best to leave the paygroup blank for the calculation.
In no paygroup is entered, the paygroup from the Client Master will be used for each income entry. If there is no paygroup in the Client Master, the paygroup from Rep Payee Settings will be used.
Select either Transaction Based, or Balance Based and tab
Select the appropriate Accounting Code which will determine if the distribution is for an Income or Expense and tab
Enter a description for the transaction or leave the default description in place and tab
Expense Accounting Code
Note: These fields are skipped (dimmed) if the accounting code is for an income transaction
Select a Vendor either by Vendor Number or Vendor Name
Check Interface to Accounts Payable if you want the transactions sent to accounts payable after they are posted through Post Expenses
Check Print Separate Check if the transaction is to be printed on a separate check
Income and Expense Accounting Code Information
Enter the Start Date for the current transaction and tab
Enter the End Date for the current transaction and tab
Enter the Effective Date which will be the date the current transaction is to hit the Client’s account and tab
Enter the amount of the transaction
If the amount is to be distributed to multiple companies: Click on the Calculate Shared Amount button to calculate the amount to disperse to the Clients in the current company.
Once the calculation is complete the correct shared amount will populate the Amount field
If the amount is only for the company you are currently working in, do not use the calculate shared amount function.
Create Transactions
Enter a check mark in the Whip out Income Entry Area box only if you need to delete ALL transactions currently in the Income or Expense Entry view. Usually used to remove an incorrect distribution.
Click on the Create Transactions button
Finishing the Process
Once you have done this, the appropriate amounts are now in the appropriate edit lists for that type of transaction. If you were distributing expenses, you will find them in the Expense Transaction Edit List: Income will be in the Income Transaction Edit List
To complete the transaction, you will need to post the Expense or Income transactions just as you would for regular expenses or income transactions. You may make corrections to the transactions before posting.