Created: 07/17/2015
The print menu will display the Batch ID for your posting. Do not change this information.
You have several options for printing the transaction register
Preview - This will open the report on your screen. From within the preview you have several options:
Save - - The save type defaults to .VPE, always change this to .PDF
Print - - Will open the print dialog menu to select your correct printer
Email - - If you have an email client installed, this will open an email with this report attached as a pdf file. This option does not work with webmail through an internet browser.
Print - Using the indicated printer shown in the lower left corner of the view, this option will open the Print Dialog Box. This option will use any saved options from previous printings of this report.
Print with Setup - Will open the Print Dialog Box to select your correct printer and options. The selections made will save and be used for the "Print" option above.
Email - If you have an email client installed, this will open an email with this report attached as a pdf file. This option does not work with webmail through an internet browser.
Export - Will save the report as a .PDF file.
Clear Selections - Will remove the Batch ID. Only use if you will be entering a different Batch ID to report a previous Posting.
Saving Recommendations:
Saving may be used instead of printing paper copies. This will save on paper and ink usage.
Save the files to a folder on your server that is backed up.
Save with consistent naming, such as date and type of posting. IE - An income posting on May 5, 2014 could be saved as 2014-05-05-income.pdf.