Revised: 10/18/2013
This process will print tenant labels based on the criteria entered.
Go to Lists>>Tenant Labels
Caseworker - If caseworkers are assigned to tenants, select a caseworker code to print out a list of their tenants. If caseworkers are not assigned, leave this field blank to print a list of all tenants
Sort Order - Select one of the following orders to print labels by: Tenant Number, Tenant Name, Zip Code/Number, Zip Code/Sort Key, Case Worker.
Label Copies - Enter the number of labels needed for each tenant.
Labels to Skip - If the first sheet of labels have some missing, enter the number of spaces until a label is available to print on.
Print Tenant Number - Check this box if the tenant number is to print on the labels.
DO NOT Print Address - Check this box if you only want the tenant name on the label. The tenant number will be included if the Print Tenant Number box is checked.
Pick Label - Select a label number/style
Preview or Print - select one of these options to view/print the list.