Utility Consumption Rate Table

This program is used to setup or maintain utility consumption rate codes and amounts for Electric, Gas and Water utilities. Billing Codes are also assigned for each utility.  When the information has been setup the rate table should be linked to a community in the Community Master on the Enhanced Utility tab under Consumption Setup.

NAVIGATIONMAINTAIN menu > Utility Consumption Tables > Rate Table

  1. Rate Code: enter a new unique Rate Code or select an existing Rate Code to review or update the rate and billing information.
  2. Rates/Billing Codes: Enter an billing amount for each of the following utilities:
    1. Electric Rate
    2. Gas Rate
    3. Water Rate
  3. Billing Code: enter or select a billing code for each of the following:
    1. Electric Billing Code
    2. Gas Billing Code
    3. Water Billing Code
  4. Click SAVE


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