Revised:  11/18/2015

How to Add a Household Member

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)

Click the Demographics tab

Click the Needs/Service tab

Click the Education tab

Click the Medical Professional tab

Click the Criminal Info tab

Click the Marriages tab

Click the Section 3 Skills tab

Click the Absentee Information tab

The Previous HOH tab may be skipped

Click the Notes/Tracking tab

Click the Main tab

How to enter Income Information for a member:

From the Household Composition screen:

For a Wage income type - The Value, Periods and Annual income can be left blank.  Click the Details button to enter the Wage Information on the details page or follow the instructions below:

How to Enter Asset Information

From the Household Composition screen:

How to Enter Deduction Information

From the Household Composition screen:

When you have finished entering Income, Asset or Deduction information, click Close to close the Household Composition view