Revised:  05/01/2017

How to do Community End of Month

This "How to" may be used when Tenant Management's Closing Mode has been set to Community Closing.  To see if you are setup for Community Closing go to Settings>>Tenant Accounting.  Closing Mode should have Community Closing selected.  If another option is selected, please follow the End of Month closing instructions for that mode.

The following suggested reports, located under End of Month Processing>>Pre-Closing Reports, can be run and reviewed prior to closing the month:

Please follow the instructions in the order in which they are listed.

Pre-Statement Processing

The Pre-statement process will affect Tenant Activity in one of two ways:  

Go to Activities>>End of Month Processing>>Pre-Statement Processing

Rent Change Review

The Rent Change Review is a report showing pending charge changes for tenants that are to occur on the shown effective date.  This information pulls from the future date and future amounts in Tenant Auto Bills (Auto-Bill Setup) based on the Review Mode selected.

Go to Activities>>End of Month Processing>>Rent Change Review

Rent Change Update

Rent Change Update will process and update Tenant Auto-Bill information.  The Update Mode should be the same as the Review Mode used in order to process the changes that were reviewed.

Go to Activities>>End of Month Processing>>Rent Change Update

Tenant Auto-Bill Edit List

The Auto-Bill Edit List is a report showing all of the billing charges that will be posted to the listed tenant's account on the Effective Date when Post Auto-Bills is run.

Go to Activities>>End of Month Processing>>Auto-Bill Edit List

Post Tenant Auto-Bills

This process will charge the amounts that were on the edit list to the tenant's accounts if the same frequencies used for the edit list are used.

Tenant Rent Statements

Rent statements must be previewed even if they are not printed for tenants.  When statements are previewed or printed, the default date of the Last Statement Date will be updated and correct for the next month.  Do not cancel out of the previewed statements as they should finish.  Cancelling the preview will affect the ACH pull.

Go to Activities>>End of Month Processing>>Print Tenant Statements

End of Month Processing

The end of month process will update the current period and create a balance brought forward for tenant history.  Until the month is closed, no transactions can be posted for the new month.

Go to Activities>>End of Month Processing>>Close Month

Repeat these steps for each area that is to be closed.  


Some housing authorities have each community run all of these steps except the End of Month Processing.  The End of Month Processing (Global) is run by one person at the authority.