Created:  09/22/2011

Legal Status Codes

Go to Maintain>>Tenant Management Tables>>Legal Status Codes

This program is used to setup status codes which can disable Late charges and/or Cash Receipt Notifications.

To apply a status code to a tenant's account, a status code is first linked to a tracking code.  When the linked Tracking Code is applied to a tenant's account during an unlock or an addition of a tracking item, the tenant's account is flagged with the Legal Status Code to disable late charges, cash receipt notifications or both.



Enter a new unique Code or select an existing code.


Enter, edit or view the description for the code.


Disable Late Charge

Check the Disable Late Charge box if the code should disable late charges for a tenant when the associated tracking code is used.

Cash Receipt Notification

Check the Cash Receipt Notification box if the code should disable cash receipt notifications for a tenant when the linked tracking code is used.