Revised:  09/26/2013

Tenant Security Deposit Register

Go to Reports>>Accounting Reports>>Security Deposit Register

or go to Activities>>Pre-Closing Reports>>Security Deposit Register

This program will generate a security deposit register based on the selection information.  Tenants will be grouped by community.

The report includes the following:


Area Number

Enter or select an Area Number for the report or leave the field blank to generate a report for all areas.

Community Number

Enter or select a Community Number for the report or leave the field blank to generate a report for all communities.

Effective Date

Enter or select an Effective Date for the report.  The effective date selected will print as part of the report header.

Status Selection

Select one of the following status options for the report:

Output Options

Sort Order

Select one of the following orders for the generated report:

Check Boxes

Checkmark one or more of the following report options:

Enhanced Merge

Create Merge Interface

Enter a check mark in this field before running the report to have the report information available to print batch letter or forms based on this report.

Report Options

Clear Selections

Click the Clear Selections button to remove any selected information for the report.


Click the Preview button to view the report on screen.  The report may be printed or saved from within the preview screen.  Click here for more preview details.


Click the Print button to bring up the print dialog box.  Select the printer and click ok to send the report to the printer.


Click the Cancel button to close the program without printing the report.