Revised:  05/11/2017

Tenant Move-Out Wizard

Go to Processes>>Tenant Move-Out Wizard

This program is used to process a tenant move out for a unit, creating transactions to move security deposit information to tenant activity and history and out of the security deposit held files.  Tenant Move-Outs are tracked in the Tenant Master>>Tracking tab grid.

See Also:


Tenant Information

Select the tenant to be moved out using either the Tenant Number or Last Name fields.

Tenant Number

Enter or select a tenant using the Tenant Number field or leave this field blank and select a tenant using their last name.  

Last Name

Enter or select a tenant using their Last Name.  

First Name

When a tenant is selected their First Name will be filled in.


When a tenant is selected their Middle Initial or name will be filled in.

Move Out Information

Move-Out Date

Enter or select the tenant's Move-Out Date.

Reason Code

Enter or select a Reason Code for the move out.  Reason codes are setup in Move Out/Transfer Reason Code.


When a valid reason code is selected its Description will be displayed.

Transaction Date

The Transaction Date will default to the current date.  The date may be changed.

Forwarding Name/Address

These fields may be left blank if the tenant did not provide a forwarding address.

Address Line 1

Enter the tenants forwarding street address or leave this line blank if the tenant did not give forwarding information.

Address Line 2

Enter any additional forwarding street address information for the tenant or leave this line blank.

City, State and Zip

Enter the tenant's forwarding City, State and Zip code or leave these fields blank.


Click the next button to continue on with the Move-Out wizard.


Click the close button to close the program and cancel the move-out.

Tenant Move-Out Wizard - Transactions

Current Transactions

The grid displays the tenant's current activity from their file.

Current Balance

The tenant's current balance will be displayed.

S/D, Required and Held

This area displays security deposit information, how much security deposit was required and how much the tenant paid is shown as a held amount.

The total of all security deposits is shown.

Suggested Transactions

The suggested transactions should be reviewed before the Next button is clicked.  The transaction information may be changed, if applicable.

This area may show the following information:


Click the Re-Calculate button to recalculate transactions.  This must be done if a transaction was added or changed in the grid.

Tenant Owes

If the tenant owes money to the housing authority the amount will be displayed in this field.  

Refund Amount

If the tenant is due a refund, the amount will be shown in this field.  Users may click on the box to create a payable that is sent to financials and a code 07-00 will be recorded in the tenant's account.

Process Refund

Place a checkmark in this box to have the program create a voucher in Accounts Payable for the tenant's refund amount.  

If this field is left unchecked the tenant refund will have to be entered into Accounts Payable manually.


Clicking the back button will return the program to the "Welcome" screen where the tenant is selected.


Going back to the previous view may remove any transactions that have been entered.


Click the next button to continue moving out the tenant.  The program will inform the user that proceeding past this part of the move-out wizard will "save" the transactions.  Click "yes" to continue.  Click "No" to return to the transaction view.  


The user may click the Close button to leave the move-out wizard.

Tenant Move-Out Wizard - Forms/Letters


Displayed letters or forms may be selected and printed by using the Print Form Letter button.  

Letter Date

The letter date defaults to the current date.  The date may be changed by entering or selecting another date.

The date entered here will be used in letters or forms that have the "letter date" merge field in them.

Print Form/Letter

Click the print form/letter button to bring up the letter print dialog box.  Letters may be previewed and printed from the dialog box.


If no forms or letters have been checked, the Print Form/Letter button will not print anything.

Create/Print 50058  (Public Housing)

Click the Create/Print 50058 button to create and print the 50058.

A 50058 should be created and printed for a tenant that is moving out.  If an error is displayed for the 50058, the 50058 may be created and printed from the tenant's file (the file may be in the active or inactive file depending on their balance)

A 50058 Work file is also created for the tenant in the 50058 module for submission to PIC.

Create/Print 50059

Click the Create/Print 50059 button to create and print the 50059.

A 50059 Work File is also created for the tenant in the 50059 module for submission to IMAX.

Override Selections

If you are having printer problems, placing a check mark in the square may help.  Otherwise, leave this field blank.

Force Printer Setup

If you are having printer problems, placing a check mark may force a print dialog box to come up.  Otherwise leave this field blank.


Click the Finish button to finish the move out.  

The following confirmation box will be displayed if a 50058 was not created:

Print Move-Out Register

A response of Yes or No is required.

Tenant Adjustment Register

This program will print the transaction register for the Move-Out if Yes was clicked.

Batch ID

The batch ID assigned to the register for the move out will be displayed.  Do not change this number or the register will not print.


Click the preview button to view the register on screen.  The register may be printed from within the preview screen.  Click here for more preview options.


Click the print button to bring up a print dialog box.  Click the Print button to send the register to the highlighted printer or select a different printer and then click print.