Utility Allowance Tables

Go to Maintain>>Tenant Management Tables>>Utility Allowance Tables

This program is used to assign dollar amounts to fuel sources by bedroom size.  The information entered here is used during the rent calculation process to determine utility allowance information for the tenant.

A Unit Type must be setup which is then assigned to a table with an effective date.  

The utility information is then assigned in either the Community Master or the Unit Master by selecting the Unit Type.

Function Menu

At the top of the program are functions such as save and delete.  For more information on functions click here.


Unit Type

Select a unit type for the utility table.  The Description for the selected Unit Type will be displayed to the right of the Unit Type field.  Unit Types are setup in the Unit Type Master File.

Effective Date

Select or enter an effective date to view/edit a utility table or assign a new effective date to enter new utility information.


Bedroom sizes are listed across the top.  For each bedroom size enter the cost for heating or cooling for each fuel source.

The heating sources are as follows:

Air Conditioning

Enter the cost of air conditioning for each bedroom size.

Cooking/Electric/Water Heating


For each bedroom size enter the cost of Cooking for the following power supplies:

Other Electric Light, Refrigeration, etc

Enter the cost for each bedroom size.

Water Heating

For each bedroom size enter the cost of heating water for each of the following power source:


For the following utilities enter the cost for each bedroom size:

Special Gas Settings

Natural Gas SC

For each bedroom size enter the amount of the natural gas surcharge if applicable.

All Gas Option

For each bedroom size enter the cost for homes/units/communities that use all gas.