Tenant History

Go to  Inquiries>>Accounting Inquiries>>View Tenant History

Function Menu

The function menu at the top of Tenant History includes the following:


Tenant Number

Select a Tenant Number to view their activity or leave this field blank and use the Last Name field to select the tenant.

Last Name

Select a tenant using their Last Name or use the Tenant Number field to select the tenant.


When a valid tenant has been selected, their First Name will be displayed.


When a valid tenant has been selected, their middle name or initial will be displayed.

Month Selection

This field defaults to the current month.  A different month may be selected.


This field defaults to the current year.  A prior year may be selected.

Tenant History Window

This area displays the charges and credits to the tenant's account for the month and year selected.   The scroll bars at the bottom and right side of the window will allow the user to scroll through data that is not in view.

The following columns of information will be available:


If there is a second page of activity use the slide bar (shown) to view the next page or to go back to a previous page.

A sample of tenant activity window is shown below: