Tenant Utility Consumption

This view is used to review Electric, Gas and Water prior and current posted consumption. Pending Readings and Reading History for the tenant will also be shown.


  1. Select the tenant by entering their Tenant Number or Last Name
  2. Tenant Number: select a tenant using their Tenant Number or leave this field blank and select a tenant using their last name.
  3. Last Name: select a tenant using their Last Name or use the Tenant Number field.
    1. First Name: When a valid tenant has been selected, their First Name will be displayed.
    2. Middle Initial: When a valid tenant has been selected, their Middle Initial or name will be displayed.
  4. If the file is in "read only" mode go to Quick Link > Unlock Tenant File.  Select a Tracking Code and/or enter a modified description and click SAVE

Tenant Utility Consumption

  1. Go to Quick Links > Tools > Utility Consumption
  2. The Tenant Utility Consumption dialog box will appear
  3. Household: the Tenant's name and number will be displayed here.  
  4. Electric, Gas and Water Tabs
    1. Reading Date Prior Readings
      1. Enter or select the date of a prior reading.  
      2. After a date is selected, the Prior Readings will be displayed in the following fields:
        1. Prior Readings
        2. Start Reading
        3. End Reading
        4. Used
        5. Allowance
        6. Overage
        7. Charge
    2. Reading Date Current Readings (Posted)
      1. Enter or select the date the Current Readings (Posted) were for.  
      2. After the date is selected, the Current Readings (Posted) will be displayed in the following fields:
        1. Current Readings (Posted)
        2. Start Reading
        3. End Reading
        4. Used
        5. Allowance
        6. Overage
        7. Charge
  5. Pending Readings Tab
    1. Select one of the following options to review the Pending Readings for the tenant:
      1. Electric
      2. Gas
      3. Water
    2. Pending Reading Grid: The following information will be displayed in the grid:
      1. Reading Date
      2. Start Read
      3. End Read
      4. Usage
      5. Allowance
      6. Overage
      7. Charge
  6. Reading History Tab
    1. Select one of the following options to review Reading History for the tenant:
      1. Electric
      2. Gas
      3. Water
    2. Reading History Grid: The following information will be displayed in the grid:
      1. Reading Date
      2. Start Read
      3. End Read
      4. Usage
      5. Allowance
      6. Overage
      7. Charge
  7. Close the Tenant Utility Consumption dialog box


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