Revised:  04/19/2017

Outstanding Work Order Report

Go to Reports>>Outstanding Work Orders

Work Order Reports

Report Logic

This program will generate a report which pulls from the Work Order Master file (Activities>>Work Order Entry).

The report will include information based on the following work order criteria:

The report will also include or exclude information based on the Area or Area/Community and Categories that are selected.

The report may run slower than normal.

Report Toolbars

At the top of the view are report options such as Print and Email.

First Area/Community Selection


The Area/Community selection option is not shown if this module is used with Utility Billing.


Enter or select an Area for the report.  This field may be left blank to generate a report that includes all areas and their communities.


The name of the selected Area will be displayed.


Enter or select a Community for the report or leave this field blank.


The name of the selected Community will be displayed.

Category Selection

The report program defaults to all categories selected.  Clicking in a checked box will remove the checkmark and unselect it.  Clicking the same box again will insert the checkmark again.

Select All

Clicking the "Select All" button will select every category.

Unselect All

Click the "Unselect All" button to remove all the checkmarks.

Assigned Employee Selection

Select an employee to restrict the outstanding work orders to those associated with the selected employee or leave blank for all.

An employee may be associated with a work order in Work Order Entry on the Main tab under General information.

Date Information

Through Date Requested

This field defaults to the current date.  Enter or select a different date for the report, if applicable.

Sort Order within Community

Place the selecting "dot" in one of the circles to have the report sorted by one of the following options:


The options section is only available in Maintenance Management when the module is used for housing.

Print Second Address Line

Place a checkmark in the box if the report should include the second address line.

Always Prompt for Community Header

When the box is checked, a Community will print with the disclaimer No Outstanding Work Orders when it has no open work orders at the time the report is printed.

Do NOT Page Break by Community

Place a checkmark in the box if the report should not insert a page break after each community included on the report.


Select one of the following options to only include work orders that have been assigned to one of the following:

Default Printer

If a default printer has been setup, the printer information will be displayed at the bottom of the view.

Report Options

The reporting options are at the top of the view.


Press Preview to generate the report and open on screen.  The previewed report can be saved, printed, or emailed from within the previewed document.


Press Print to send the report directly to a printer that has been setup or used within the module.  If a printer has not been previously used or setup, the Print Setup dialog box will open.  Select a printer and press OK to print the report.

Print With Setup

Press Print with Setup to open a Print dialog box.  Select a printer and press print.


Press Email to open an Untitled Message (HTML) dialog.  The report will be attached as a pdf document.  Select the email recipient, enter a subject, enter a message and press Send.


Press Export and select PDF.  This will open a dialog box.  Select a Save in folder option and press Save.  You can rename the report if applicable.

Clear Selections

Press Clear Selections to remove the Area and Community selections that are displayed.  The Category selections and Date will not be removed.

Help on Report

When the report view has been linked to the help topic for the view, pressing this button will open the topic for the user to review.  Pressing F1 will also open the report topic.

The button will not be displayed if the help topic has not been linked.