Revised:  03/18/2014

Company Information

Go to System>>Company Information

Click on the Horizon button to activate a drop down menu and select Company Information.

This program allows Company Name, address, phone, Federal ID and merge paths to be entered and saved for use in other utilities and programs.


Company Name/Address

Enter or edit Company name and address information in this area.  This information is used when printing 1099s and W2s and some check formats.


Enter or edit the company name.  If the company name is longer than this field allows, enter the remainder of the company name in Name2.


If the company is longer than the Name1 field allowed, enter the remainder of the company name here.  This field may be left blank if it is not needed.


Enter or edit the address for the company.  


Enter a second line of address information, if needed.  This field may be left blank.


Enter or edit the city the company is located in.  


Enter or edit the two digit state abbreviation for the company.

Zip Code

Enter or edit the zip code for the company.

Additional Information

Federal ID

Enter or edit the company's federal identification number.

Phone Number 1

Enter or edit the company's main phone number.

Phone Number 2

Enter or edit an additional phone number for the company.  

Merge Pathing

Merge Path Information

For each of the following modules that are installed, enter the path to merge documents.

For Example:

Mapping Setup

Some modules are able to provide mapping information.  If the modules used for your company does not use mapping information, this area may be left blank.

Company Location


Enter the Longitude number for the Company.


Enter the Latitude number for the Company.

GEO Code Location

Press the GEO Code Location button after entering the Logitude and Latitude numbers to view the company location.

Map Interface Setup

Enter your Bing ID number for the company.