Revised:  11/27/2013

Account Type Master

Go to Maintain>>Account Type Master

General Ledger Tables

This program is used to setup and maintain Account Type Codes for use in the GL Account Master.  Type Codes are used to setup default parameters, set check book and closing account types, tracking and interface parameters.

Quick Link

Type Code

To set up a new account type, enter a unique code. The code can be alphabetical, numerical or a combination of both.

To access a previously set up account type enter or browse for the type code.

Type code is a key value and may not be changed once it is saved.  


For a new account type code enter an appropriate description.  For an existing account type, the description will be displayed.  

You may change the description for a type code at any time.  


Account Type

Select one of the following from the drop down menu:


Enter a sequence number or leave blank to accept the default. This number will control the output order on automatically created financial statements.

The default sequences are as follows:




Sequence #





Current Assets - Checking



Current Assets - Not Cash



Fixed Asset














Check Book Account Type?

A check mark in the box indicates:

Leaving the check mark field blank will:

Closing Account Type?

Enter a check mark in the box to indicate that general ledger accounts setup with this Accont Type are closing accounts.

Leave the checkbox unchecked if the account type should not be a closing account type.


The defaults set here will be brought up when a new general ledger account is entered.  The default information can be changed, as needed, for each general ledger account number entered.

Statement Type

Select a default statement type from the following:

For more information on statement types click here.

Paren Control

Select one of the following:

You are setting up the default control for parenthesis used in General Ledger trial balance reports and financial statements.  You should choose to put the parenthesis on the opposite of the normal balance for an account type.

For example:  

Expenses normally have a debit balance.  So the Paren control for EX (expenses) would be Parenthesis on Credit Balance.  This would show parenthesis around a credit balance for an expense.

Tracking Items

If you want to track some of the following items, select up to four types for Item Number 1 - 4; otherwise, leave this field blank.

Each time you use a general ledger account number with a type code that has a tracking item associated with it, you will be prompted to input a value. If you have four tracking items set up for a type code you will be prompted for four values when the general ledger account number is used.


For each tracking item set up the user can describe the type of units they want users to enter a value for.

For Example:

If you use the tracking item Utility Consumption then the unit you want them to enter could be gallons.  The prompt would show up as:

Utility Consumption ____ gallons.

The user would enter the number of gallons where the ___ is.


Asset Management

Place a check mark in this field to set this account type as one that will interface with the fixed asset module.

Legal Hard Costs

Place a check mark in this field to set this account type to interface with legal hard costs in the Legal Module.

Exclude From Bill List

Placing a checkmark in this field will exclude general ledger accounts linked to this Account Type Code from showing on the Accounts Payable Bill List.