Revised: 11/13/2012
Go to Utilities>>Allocation Process
This process will allocate/re-allocate accounts based on information in the Allocation Master and GL Master.
Use this process to:
Allocate the activity when set to "Use Manual Allocation Process".
Re-allocate after making changes to a model. This will correct the distribution after adding a new effective date for a model or changes to GL accounts or percentages.
Remove the distribution from an account that should no longer be allocated by changing the GL Account Master. Delete the code in Allocation Model, uncheck the Allocated Account and the Allow Dynamic Allocations boxes.
Running this process will:
Remove all allocation distributions between the starting and ending dates.
Distribute the total activity for the period. Distribution for each Allocated Account will be based on the current default Allocation Model.
All Distributions will have a transaction date of the End Date selected in this process. Horizon recommends running this process for 1 month date ranges. This will distribute the activity on the End Date for each month.
The manual Allocation Process does not work with Dynamic Allocation. Running this process will remove all distributions using Dynamic Allocation and redistribute using the default model for each GL account.
Do not enter a Date range that crosses over an Effective Date in the Allocation Models. The process will distribute all activity using the Model Effective Date for the End Date entered.
If the Allocation Process is run for a multiple month range, (1/1/2011 to 2/28/2011) and is later run for portion of this date range (1/1/2011 to 1/31/2011), then January activity will have been allocated twice. The allocated accounts will now have a non-zero balance on 2/28/2011. (Fix this issue by running the process for each month. Run the process with a date range of 1/1/2011 to 1/31/2011 and then run the process for 2/1/2011 to 2/28/2011.)
When set to "Use Manual Allocation Process", activity does not allocate when posted. The allocation process must be run manually. Horizon recommends:
Run the process for 1 month date ranges. This will distribute the activity on the End Date for each month.
If new transactions are posted to a period that has already been distributed, the allocation process must be run again for the period.
Always be consistent with the date ranges entered. Run for 1 month periods so if a month needs to be re-run at a later time, users will know the correct range to use.
Run GL reports to verify that all Allocated Accounts have ending balances of zero.
See Also:
Enter or select a beginning date for the processing of allocated transactions.
Enter or select an ending date for the processing of allocated transactions.
Click the process button to allocate or re-allocate information for the date range entered.