Revised: 05/5/2015

How to Work With GL Allocations


  1. General Information

What do GL Allocations do?  

This process will automatically distribute an amount to multiple GL accounts based on a percentage of the total amount.  If certain transactions are distributed to many accounts every month, just setup an Allocated Account and let the system do most of the work instead of entering a long distribution list in AP Voucher Entry or GL Journal Entry.

When does the Allocation Process work?

How GL Allocations Work:  For the allocation process to work, an Allocation Model, Allocated Account and Receiving Accounts need to be setup.

Allocation Model:  The model defines how each amount will be distributed by percentage and to which accounts.  You may have multiple Effective Dates for an Allocation Model.  When transactions are posted, the process will use the Effective Date appropriate for the transaction date.

Allocated Account:  This is an intermediary account that will be entered in AP Voucher Entry, GL Journal Entry or any other program entry.  This account should always have a balance of zero when the process is complete.  All transactions posted to this account will be distributed back out based on the associated Allocation Model.  This is the account that is setup in the GL Account Master as an Allocated Account.

Receiving Accounts:  These are the general ledger accounts that will receive a portion of the total transaction during the Allocation Process.  Do not mark these accounts in the GL Account Master as allocated.

Unallocated Account:  This is a default general ledger account number that problem entries will be posted to.  Select a GL account to serve as the unallocated account in Settings>>General Ledger Settings.  If the allocation process tries to send a distribution to a general ledger account that does not exist, the amount will be posted to the default Unallocated Account instead.

What are Dynamic Allocations?

This is an extra step for more complicated general ledger setups.  When this is turned on for a general ledger account, an additional "Allocation Model" field will open for entry during AP Voucher Entry and GL Journal Entry, when the account is selected.  The program will default to the Allocation Model saved in the GL Account Master.  The user may choose to change the default to a different model for this transaction.


The Allocation Process under the Utilities menu does not work with Dynamic Allocations.  Running this process manually will remove all distributions that were made using dynamic allocations and redistribute using the default model for each general ledger account.

Adding a New Model:

Go to Maintain>>Allocation Master

Note:  The Allocation Master program is also available from the GL Account Master>>Quick Links bar

Such as:   With segments  FUND    MAIN    DEPARTMENT

You have allocated account  21-4410-99 with an allocation model set to 21-4410-01  75%   and 21-4410-02  25%

By placing a check mark in MAIN, you may now set this model up on other accounts. If you put the model on account 21-5325-99, it will allocate to 21-5325-01  75% and 21-5325-02  25%  because MAIN is check marked.    You may check mark multiple segments.

In the Grid

To Review or Edit Allocations:

Go to Maintain>>Allocation Master


You should not change the percentages or general ledger accounts if your purpose is to create a new Effective Date for this model.  See the procedure below for Creating a New Effective Date.

If you are changing the allocations for a period that has transactions already distributed, you may use the Allocation Process to redistribute the transactions with the new percentages.

Create New Effective Date:

The purpose of the Effective Date is to allow different distributions for different date ranges.  You may need to change the distribution yearly, monthly, or as needed.  You may continue to post entries that will use the correct allocation percentages for the date it is posted into after creating a new allocation Effective Date for a later period.  Any transactions posted to the General Ledger using allocations will compare the Transaction Date to the Effective Dates for the Allocation Model.  I.E.  Model "Admin" has 2 effective dates, 1/1/2010 and 1/1/2011.  If transactions are posted with Transactions Dates of:

How to Create a New Effective Date:

Go to Maintain>>Allocation Master

Tying in to a General Ledger Account Number

Go to Maintain>>GL Account Master

How the Unallocated Account Works

Horizon recommends setting up an account of all 9's such as 999-999-999.  Do not use this account for any other purpose.  Go to Settings>>General Ledger Settings - System Information and enter the account in the Unallocated Account field and save your change.

When an allocation is processing, it is possible that an account it should distribute to, based on the model, does not exist in your GL Account Master.  These incorrect distributions will post to the Unallocated Account specified in General Ledger Settings (if the Unallocated Account field is left blank, these postings would go to a blank account).   Check this account regularly for any activity.  Activity to this account will mean a distribution did not work correctly.  The General Ledger Transaction Register you preview or print after posting will show the transaction that posted to the 999-999-999 Unallocated Account.  The memo will show two account numbers, such as "200411000/100411999".  The first number (200411000) will be the account that the allocation model attempted to send the amount to and the second number (100411999) will be the account that the amount was distributed or allocated from.  Correct the model in the Allocation Master or add the missing general ledger account number in the GL Account Master.  The amounts may then be transferred to the correct account with a journal entry.

Setup for Manual Allocations only:

Go to Settings>>General Ledger Settings

Horizon recommendations for running the Allocation Process utility:

How to Allocate Manually

Go to Utilities>>Allocation Process

This process will allocate or re-allocate amounts to general ledger accounts based on information in the Allocation Master and the GL Account Master.

This process must be used to distribute allocations if the Use Manual Allocation Process box is checked in General Ledger Settings.

Use this process to:

Running this process will:


When Use Manual Allocation Process is checked in General Ledger Settings:

Date Selections

Start Date

Enter or select a beginning date for the processing of allocated transactions.

End Date

Enter or select an ending date for the processing of allocated transactions.


Click the Process button to allocate or re-allocate information for the date range entered.