Revised: 05/05/2015
Go to Settings>>General Ledger Settings
Open User Defined Ordering
The Financial program allows up to five additional ways to rearrange the general ledger account structure in addition to the standard order setup. These alternate orders can be used when running the Trial Balance and when designing Financial Statements.
The Standard Order is shown under the General Ledger Settings on the Account Control Tab. This is the default order for the Trial Balance and Financial Statements.
By setting up User Defined Ordering, the account segments may be rearranged to make reporting more meaningful. For example: Accounts named Fund, Main and Department may be rearranged as Department, Fund and Main. So account number 100-450-15 would become 15-100-450. This would allow more meaningful reporting when focus on Department totals are needed.
To create your own Alternate Orders:
Click on the First Order tab (or the next tab in order to add, i.e. Second Order, Third Order, etc.) .
Enter a Description for the user defined order and then tab. For example: "Department, Fund Order"
Select the account segment for the first position using the drop down menu arrow, tab
Continue selecting account segments for the remaining positions until you have all account segments in the desired order. You must use all of the segments listed on the Account Control Tab.
Fill in the account mask with the # (number) sign for each numerical character in the segment. Use the * (asterisk) symbol to indicate segments that are marked as alpha on the Account Control page. Separate each segment in the mask with the separator that is selected on the Account Control page. Review how the account mask is shown on the Account Control tab if you are unsure how to proceed. IE: An account structure with 3 segments that have 4 numeric characters each would be listed as ####-####-####. An account structure with 3 segments that have 4 Alpha-numeric characters would be listed as ****-****-****. An account structure with a combination of alpha and numeric segments may look like this - ####-****-####.
Press Save
Additional orders may be added at this time
After you have entered all of the User Defined Orders for this time go back to the Account Control tab
Account Control
All users should be out of the financial program to complete the next step
Click the "Update Structure" button
After the program has updated the general ledger account structure the Financial program must be closed and restarted
Note: Sort orders may be used when running a General Ledger Trial Balance and when setting up or modifying a financial Template Master under Account Mode.