Revised:  5/24/2020

How to Enter a Journal Voucher or Cash Receipt

What is the User ID for?  User IDs can be used to post selected Journal Vouchers.  The User ID defaults to the initials of the user who is logged in to make it easy for the user to post only his/her entries.  Users may change the User ID (Up to 6 characters) and then post by this User ID (There must be a Journal Voucher entered with that User ID in order to post it.)  Or, if there is a Journal Voucher with your initials that you do not want to post, enter or change the User ID on the JV you want to post and use the new User ID during the posting process to only post that JV.

Go to Activities>>GL Journal Entry

J/E Header

JV Header


J/E Lines 


GL Journal Edit List

Go to Activities>>Journal Edit List to print the edit list

Review the edit list:

Post GL Journals

Go to Activities>>Post Journals to post your entries

If you receive the following error during the posting process, "Errors in Posting Detected", click the View Errors button.  This will display the error report.  Errors may be for out of balance segments or Locked Accounting Periods.   Review the errors and edit the journal entries to correct or reopen the accounting period(s).  After correcting the journal voucher, review the edit list again and post.