Revised:  10/29/2012

AP Voucher Edit List

Go to  Activities>>Voucher Edit List

Payable Vouchers

This program will generate an edit list based on the selection options entered.

See Also:

Function Bar

At the top of the view are the following functions:

Display/Order By

Entry or Vendor Number

Place a dot in the circle to indicate whether the report should print out in the order it was entered, or in vendor number order.


Pay Group

If you leave this field blank the edit list will be generated for all pay groups.  If you select a pay group, only invoices/vouchers that are tied to that pay group will be printed/previewed.

Starting and Ending Due Dates

If you have the field Post by Due Date in Accounts Payable Settings checked, the Starting and Ending Due Date fields will be shown.

Starting and Ending G/L Dates

If you have the field Post by G/L Transaction Date in Accounts Payable Settings checked, the Starting and Ending G/L Date fields will be shown.

Source Selections

The appearance of vouchers on the edit list may be controlled by their source.  Select one of the following source options for the edit list:

Transaction Types

The default setting for these fields is checked.  If you do not want a transaction type to appear on the edit list, remove the checkmark by clicking in the field.  The types are as listed below: