Revised: 03/15/2013

How to Process Payroll

Changes to employee records in the Employee Master should be entered prior to processing payroll.

Automatic Setup of Time Card File

Go to Activities>>Auto-Setup Time Cards


Do not run the Auto-Setup Time Cards process more than once per pay.  Running more than once will double the timecard earnings.

If you need to remove all of the timecard information and start over, you may go to Utilities>>Import Time Card Information and run the import process.  Select Horizon Standard Import GL Version as the Import Type and place a checkmark in the Initialize Time Card File box.  You will not need to enter a Time Card Date.  Press Import Process on the Quick Links bar to remove all timecard information, you may receive an error that will close the payroll program (because a file was not selected).  Re-open payroll, run the Time Card Register to verify that all timecard information was deleted, and run Auto-Setup Time Card again.  For more information on the import process, please read How to Import Timecard Data.

If you are doing a special pay where time cards are not needed for every employee or if the regular earning amounts would not be correct, the Auto Setup of Time Cards may be skipped and time may be entered directly into Time Card Entry.

Time Card Entry

Go to Activities>>Time Card Entry.  

Time Card Register

Go to Activities>>Time Card Register

Payroll Processing

Go to Activities>>Process Payroll

System Check

Recommended:  System Check may be set to run automatically for each payroll processed.  Go to Settings>>Payroll Settings>Main>Calculation Settings.  Place a check mark in the Auto Ck field.  Save and restart the Payroll module.  The System Check will find many common payroll keying errors and prevent errors that would otherwise post.

To run the System Check as needed:  Prior to Payroll Processing, go to Tools>>System Check and press the Check System button.

When System Check is run: