Revised:  08/19/2013

How to Import Timecard Data

You may create time sheets in a spreadsheet to import into Horizon Payroll Timecards.

To do so, set up a spreadsheet.  You may use Excel, Lotus or any spreadsheet that will save as a .csv format.  The columns must be in the order shown below.

The Amount column is not needed, and is present only to calculate the pay amount for the person inputting the spreadsheet.  You may add additional columns for user information to the right of the required columns.

You may save the sample spreadsheet which will download from the following link:

Once you have completed entering time and have verified the information.  Save the file as a .csv (comma delimited).  This will save in the proper format for importing.  Once you save the file as a .csv format, do not reopen the file as this will create improper formatting.

In Horizon Payroll, go to Utilities>>Import Time Card Information

If the import process detects an error in the file, an error report will be created.  Please review and fix the file, then import again.

TIP:  You may import 2 timecard dates by using 2 excel files.  Import using the first date such as 12/31/2010.  The Initialize Time Card File box may be checked or unchecked as needed.  Import the second file with the second date, such as 1/1/2011.  The Initialize Time Card File box must be unchecked during the second import so the previously imported data is not deleted.

TIP:  You may delete all entered timecard data to reset and start over by importing a blank .csv file with the Initialize Time Card File box checked.  You may then run auto-setup time cards to bring time card information over from the Employee Master.  This is helpful if the auto-setup of time card process was run more than once.

See Also: