Revised: 04/25/11
Go to Maintain>>DGR Master
This program is used to add/edit or view Deduction Gross Reduction Codes and the earning codes associated with them.
Deduction Gross Reduction Codes are used to exclude earnings when deduction amounts are calculated for deductions.
A deduction usually calculates amounts based on an employee's gross pay. When a deduction is tagged with a DGR code in the Deduction/Benefit Master; it will not calculate the deduction amount on any earnings associated with the DGR code. It will only calculate a deduction amount based on earning codes not listed under the Deduction Gross Reduction code.
If you do not need to exclude any earnings for a deduction, this area may be skipped.
For a new DGR code enter a two digit alpha numeric code and press tab or enter.
To pull up an existing DGR code enter the code and press F9. You may also search through existing DGR codes using F7 or F8 or the arrow keys in the function menu.
Select 1 to 20 earnings code(s) to associate with the Deduction Gross Reduction Code. The employee earnings for the earning codes selected will be excluded from the calculation process for a deduction that has been tied to the DGR code and entered on the employee's 6. Deductions/Expenses tab in the Employee Master.
DGR codes may be set as a default for a Deduction/Benefit code in the Deduction/Benefit Master. The default DGR must be accepted, entered or edited for the employee in the Employee Master in order for it to be in effect.