Revised: 09/01/2017
NOTE: If your organization utilizes the Horizon HR Module and is integrating HR and Payroll:
Go to Right Sidebar>>Payroll Changes
Used to import information/changes from the Human Resource module to update Payroll information
Displayed information may be Approved, Processed or Removed
Scroll bar is used to view information at the bottom of the view
After approving the information on the Payroll Changes Grid, the Employee Master will be populated. You may have additional information the needs entered. Please continue with the next step.
If you are not using this integration begin in the Employee Master as indicated in the next step.
Go to Maintain>>Employee Master
Enter an Employee No. The employee number must be a unique number, up to 6 digits in length. The system does not auto assign employee numbers. Do not leave blank or at 0.
Enter the employee's name in the Last Name, First Name and Middle Name fields and tab to Status.
1 Main
Set Status as Active
Select an Employee Type of Hourly or Salary
Select one of the following Pay Type frequencies:
An employee will only be available to process payroll for the frequency selected here. i.e. a BiWeekly employee will not process during a Monthly payroll calculation even if the employee has time card information entered. A payroll schedule must be setup for the selection in the Pay Date Master.
If you are using Department, Home IFC Code, Rate Class and/or Rate Level enter this information.
Default Earning Information
Enter up to 4 earning code information lines.
The Main Hourly Code should always be setup on line 1, even for salary employees. During Time Card Entry, when an hourly code is entered, the system will use the main hourly code rate from line 1 multiplied by the rate factor associated with the earning code to calculate the rate for all hourly codes that are not listed in the Default Earning Information area. Earning codes that are listed in the Default Earning Information lines will pull the rates listed.
Enter all Earning Codes that the employee is paid at a different rate other than their Main Hourly Code rate. Such as: employee is paid an hourly "HR" rate of 12.50 per hour for 60 hours per pay. If the employee is also paid Team Lead "TL" at 13.50 per hour for 20 hours per pay, enter this as a second default earning. If the employee receives overtime "OT" pay at his regular "HR" pay of 12.50 X 1.5 or 18.75, you do not need to enter this as a default as the "OT" Earning Code should have a 1.5 rate factor and would calculate the employees regular pay multiplied by 1.5.
Salaried employees for whom you are tracking entitlements and would like to reduce their salary by the amount of sick or vacation time entered in their time cards should have the Main Hourly Code on the first line. The TC field should not be checked but their hourly rate should be entered. The salary earning code should be entered on the second line and if entering salary hours, the Using Salary Hours field should be checked in Payroll Settings. Their salary amount should be entered as their rate. When entitlement time is entered, the system will use the Main Hourly Code rate entered to calculate sick or vacation pay and will reduce their salary by the hourly amount if the entitlement earnings codes are marked to reduce master hours.
Enter or select a default Earnings Code.
Enter a salary amount or an hourly Rate for the employee. The rate may include up to 4 decimal places. If you are using the auto distribution feature for the employee you still need to enter a rate here. This area may be left blank only if Department Rate Tables will be used.
Enter the standard number of Hours worked per pay period for the employee. Hours may be entered with up to 4 decimal places. If you are using the auto distribution feature, you still need to enter hours for the employee. Zero hours may be entered for a salary person. If the Using Salary Hours option is used, enter the normal number of hours worked here.
Note: The default hours entered here should be what a person would work in a normal pay period. This may be zero for a person that works a different number of hours each pay and the time adjusted for actual time worked in Time Card Entry. Adjustments from the normal, such as usage of vacation, sick time, etc. should also be made in the time card entry phase of payroll processing.
Place a check mark in the TC column if the hourly or salary information entered on this line is to be sent to Time Card Entry when the "Auto Setup of Time Cards" process is run. If this field is left blank the information on this line will not be sent to the time cards for payroll processing. While entering time, this code can be pulled into the time cards.
Select a cycle for the line. If this is their normal pay, select 0 - Every Pay. If this earning line will not be sent to the time card, select <Undefined>. Select other options as needed.
If you are not using Auto Distribution, leave the system default of "No" for this field. If you are using Auto Distribution, you should select one of the auto distribution choices.
When Auto Distribution is activated, the general ledger account number field will disappear.
Auto Distribution choices are:
Auto 1
Auto 2
Auto 3
Auto 4
If you choose Auto 1 - 4, then you must fill in the distribution information on the 7 Distributions tab for the selected auto code
If Auto Distribution is "No" and the module is not in Department Mode, then enter or select the default General Ledger Account for the earnings code entered. The default general ledger account number may be changed, if needed, in Time Card Entry after Auto Setup of Time Cards has been run.
If you have only purchased the payroll module, you still need a general ledger account number to assign here. Create one general ledger account number and use it in all fields that require one.
If you cannot access the correct company/ledger account numbers, you may need to set a Home IFC Code for your employee.
If Auto Distribution is "No" and payroll is in Department Mode, then enter or select the appropriate Department Code for the employee.
The Department Code selected must have the general ledger account information setup in the Department Distribution.
2 Address/Parameters
Enter the employee's Address and Phone Number to print on the check, W2, and tax reports. The actual street address should always be entered in Address 1. PA local tax laws do not permit PO Boxes to be used. Additional address info such as apartment number or mailing address with a PO Box may be entered in Address 2.
Enter the employee's Soc Sec Number under parameters. This is a required field for tax filing purposes.
All other fields under Parameters are optional. Fill in all fields that your office is using.
Select a PSD Code and enter an Effective Date. This is the PSD Code for the address above. Effective January, 2012 Pennsylvania Act 32 local tax reporting requires that all employees have Local Earned Income Tax withheld.
Place a checkmark in Withhold Federal if Federal taxes should be calculated and withheld.
Select the Marital Status based on the employee's W4 information. Options are:
Head of Household
Enter or increment to the number of Dependants based on the employee's W4 information.
Enter the percentage amount in the Extra Percent field if the employee specified on their W4 to withhold an additional amount or
Enter a dollar amount in the Extra Amount field if the employee specified on their W4 to withhold an additional dollar amount
Place a checkmark in Withhold FICA if Social Security and Medicare should be calculated and withheld
Leave the HIRE Act box unchecked as the Act was only in effect until December, 2010.
State Withholding
Place a checkmark in Withhold State if State tax should be calculated and withheld
Select the Marital Status for the employee. Options are:
Head of Household
Enter or increment to the number of Dependants for State Withholding
Enter or select the Tax State i.e. "PA". This is a required field. If no state is entered, taxes will not be withheld.
A matching Tax State must be setup in the Tax Tables - State Taxes with rate information and must match the code entered as the Tax State, i.e. "PA".
Enter the percentage amount in the Extra Percent field if the employee wishes to have an additional State Tax amount withheld or
Enter a dollar amount in the Extra Amount field if the employee wishes to have an additional State Tax amount withheld
Enter or select dates for the following, if known. The dates are for informational purposes except for Hire Date and Anniversary which can be used with the Entitlement Master in a Variable table.
Birth Date
Hire Date
Last Raise
Review Date
Calculation Overrides
Leave all override fields blank during setup of a new employee as these fields are for a one time change to a withholding amount during Payroll Processing.
Special 1099R Information
Leave the following fields blank if you do not process 1099 R forms.
For 1099 R processing, enter the following information:
Select a Distribution Code or leave at Not Used
Check if Total Distribution
Check if Taxable Amount not Determined
4 Emergency
Enter information on who to contact in case of an emergency for the employee
5 Direct Deposit/System
Direct Deposit Information
Select one of the following options for Process Type:
Deductions Only - Use this option if the Net pay is to be to a check, but some of the employee’s deductions are to be direct deposited, i.e. XMAS savings fund sent to a credit union
Direct Deposit Activated - Use this option if the employee's Net Pay is direct deposited. The employee can also have some deductions directly deposited as well.
No Direct Deposit - Use this option if no portion of the employee's pay will be direct deposited.
Prenote Activated - Do not use. This option was used for banks that wanted a prenote before sending payroll information for a new employee. Banks do not use prenotes anymore.
Enter the Routing Number for the employee's bank if Direct Deposit Activated was selected as the Process Type.
Enter the employee's bank Account Number if Direct Deposit Activated was selected as the Process Type.
Select one of the following as the Account Type if the employee will have some or all of their check paid through direct deposit:
Note: If the direct deposit is into a Savings account, make certain the routing number is the actual route, some banks and credit unions will put a fake routing number on savings deposit tickets. Incorrect routing, account number or account type information will cause banks to reject the direct deposit.
Enter a check mark in the Approved for Electronic W2 box if will be used to provide employees with their W2 information.
System Control
The Do Pay box is checked by default when a new employee is entered. This is a required field, if not checked the employee will be skipped during payroll processing.
Enter the number of Hours per Day the employee works.
This number is used to automatically assign the number of hours paid for holiday pay. During time card entry this number will be the default hours for any income code entered.
Leave Benefit Weeks blank. The system will calculate this number when Calculate Benefit Weeks is run as part of the State Benefit Week Report (go to Reports>>Unemployment Reports>>State Benefit Weeks).
Enter the number of Days per Pay the employee works.
This number will be used to split the pay when a Holiday pay is in the period, or if the pay period is split between accounting periods.
Enter the number of Pay Periods in a year for the employee.
If using Workers Comp categories enter the WC Code; otherwise, leave blank.
Maintenance Interface
This section of the Employee Master may be left blank.
The Maintenance Interface is no longer used and is soon to be removed from payroll as this information is now entered in the Maintenance Management module.
Document Viewer
If your company has contracted with Horizon to use the Document Viewer Web Site for distribution of employee pay information and/or W2, create and maintain a web login and password for the employee here.
Press the Generate button to create a unique Web Login for this employee. Do not alter the Web Login after it has been created.
Enter a Password for the employee or press the Generate button to have the system create a random password.
Press the Send button to update the Document Viewer Website with this information.
If the user logs onto the Document Viewer Website and changes their password, the old password that is displayed here, will not be changed and will no longer work. You may also change the password here and press Send to update the Document Viewer with a new password.
6 Deductions/Expenses
In this section enter the employee's withholding and employer paid benefits. If the Deduction/Benefit Master has been setup with the default information, you may tab through the fields to acquire these defaults. You may edit any information that should be different than the default settings. A deduction must be entered completely and the line must drop down into the window in order to be saved.
Tab through Cycle to accept the default or select a different cycle from the drop down menu. The Cycle determines which pay or pays the deduction will be taken out for the employee.
Tab through DGR Code to accept the default or enter a DGR Code
Tab through Fed Pre-Tax to accept the default or select one of the following:
B - Non Taxable (Fed/SocSec/Medicare)
F - Non Taxable (Federal)
S - Non Taxable (SocSec/Medicare)
Y - Taxable (Fed/SocSec/Medicare)
Tab through State Pre-Tax to accept the default or select one of the following:
B - Non Taxable (State/Local)
L - Non Taxable (Local)
S - Non Taxable (State)
Y - Taxable (State and Local)
Employee Deduction
Enter the Amount of the employee's deduction if the field is undimmed and available for entry
Select one of the following Types for the amount:
$ - Dollar Amount
% - Amount
H - Based on Hours
N - Net Based Percent
Enter the Maximum amount that can be deducted or accept the default maximum that was setup in the Deduction/Benefit Master. If there is no limit enter 99999.99.
Employer Expense
Enter the Amount of the employer's expense if the field is undimmed and available for entry.
Select one of the following Types for the amount:
$ - Dollar Amount
% - Amount
H - Based on Hours
Enter the Maximum amount that can be deducted or accept the default maximum amount setup in the Deduction/Benefit Master. If there is no limit enter 99999.99.
Press the Advanced button to setup more information:
If you enter a Start Date - the deduction will not function before this date.
If you enter an End Date - the deduction will not function after this date.
One Time Change
Note: A onetime change is not used when setting up a new employee. A onetime change can also be made in Time Card Entry in the Quick Calculation view.
A checkmark in the Activate One Time Deduction Change is used to change the amount of the deduction for the next payroll and then continue with the normal deduction amounts thereafter. If checked enter the following:
Enter the Amount of the One Time Deduction
Select the Type
Place a checkmark in Check For Inactive Deduction to stop the deduction from functioning, but preserve the deduction history.
Click OK to accept the information that was entered or Cancel to close the view without saving the information entered.
If the deduction is for Child Support, select the percentage based on the support order; otherwise, leave at No Used. Child Support deductions are given first priority over other deductions during Net Based calculations.
Use this button to setup direct deposit information for this deduction, if applicable.
Enter the following information for a deduction direct deposit payment:
Enter the bank's Routing Number to where the deduction will be deposited
Enter the employee's Account Number to where the deduction will be deposited
Select the Account Type of Demand/Checking or Savings
Select one of the following EFT Types:
Standard ACH Deposit
Child Support CCD Transaction
Enter the Case Number, if applicable
Enter the FIPS Code, if applicable
Click OK to save the information entered or Cancel to close the view without saving when done
Note: Enter through the line until it drops down into the window in order to save the deduction.
7 Distributions
On the Employee Master main screen, if an Auto Distribution code was selected for any Default Earning Information line, select the same Auto Distribution code and enter the following information:
Inter-fund Code
GL Account Number
Account Description
Contract (for Contract Module interfacing only)
Work Item (for Contract Module interfacing only)
Service ID (for Contract Module interfacing only)
When all lines have been entered in the grid, the percentage at the bottom must equal 100.00.
8 Entitlements
If you will be tracking entitlement information (vacation time, sick time, personal days), setup your employee entitlement accumulation codes here.
Select up to eight Paid Time Off Entitlement Codes. These codes are used by the system to accumulate and track entitlement hours for the employee.
9 Notes
If you wish to add a note to this employee's files, click on the first blank field under "Note Date" and enter a date for the note.
Click in the "Notes" box, type your note and press the tab key.
Press the Save button or F2 to save your work.