Revised:  12/11/2012

How to Rollover Entitlements at Year End

Note:  This step should be done AFTER you have run payroll for the pay period that contains the time card date of December 31.

Entitlement Setup

Go to Maintain>>Entitlement Master

Employee Entitlement Balance Summary Report

Go to Reports>>Entitlement Summary Report

Employee Absentee Detail Report

Go to Reports>>Absentee Reports>>Absentee Detail Report (History)

This report will list all of the time off taken on or after January 1st.  This used time is already reported on the Employee Entitlement Balance Summary Report.  When the Rollover completes, the January time will not be moved to Prior Accum, it will remain in the Used YTD.

Accumulation Roll-over

Go to Utilities>>Accumulation Roll-Over

Employee Entitlement Balance Summary Report

Go to Reports>>Entitlement Summary Report

Update Entitlements for the New Year

Reset Entitlement Counters for Next Cycle

Go to Utilities>>Automated Entitlements>>Reset for Next Cycle

Entitlement Edit List

Go to Utilities>>Automated Entitlements>>Entitlement Edit List

Post Entitlements

Go to Utilities>>Automated Entitlements>>Post Entitlement