Revised:  11/17/2015

Check Processing Wizard

Go to Check Processing>> Check Processing Wizard

Check Processing

In this program vouchers may be selected or voucher selections may be changed, the pre-check report may be previewed or printed.  Checks and deposit slips may be printed, accounts payable checks may be processed and posted.

See Also

Check Processing - Create Checks

Check Book ID

Enter or select a Check Book ID for the check run.  If the pay group is selected first the Check Book ID will auto fill.

Pay Group

Enter or select a Pay Group.  Only vouchers for the pay group selected will have checks created.

Payment Date

Enter or select the Payment Date for the checks.  

Check Date

Enter or select the Check Date for the checks.  This is the date that will print on the checks and will post to the general ledger.

Process Vouchers Already Selected by

Users that have already selected vouchers using the Check Processing Wizard or one of the voucher selection programs will be displayed in the window.  Insert a checkmark in one or more of the boxes to select the user and their vouchers.

Select All

Click the Select All button to select all of the displayed users.

Unselect All

Click the Unselect All button to remove the selecting checkmarks from all of the displayed users.


Click the Next button to move on to the Check Processing - Voucher Selection/Pre-Check Report step.


Clicking the Close button will close out the program.  Users will be asked to save to cancel the check process.

Check Processing - Voucher Selection/Pre-Check Report

Voucher Selection Grid

Selected and unselected vouchers for the pay group will be displayed in the voucher selection grid.

Other voucher information displayed:

Footer Information

Amount to Apply

Displays the total amount that will be paid for all selected vouchers.

Discount To Take

Displays the total of the Dsc Take column for the selected vouchers.

Net Cash Requirement

Displays the total cash required to pay the selected invoices.

Rebuild Grid

Click the Rebuild Grid button to re populate the grid.

Select All

Click the Select All button to select all of the vouchers displayed in the grid.

Deselect All

Click the Deselect All button to remove all of the checkmarks from the vouchers displayed in the grid.


Select one of the following display options:

Preview Pre-Check

Click the Preview Pre-Check button to view the generated report of selected vouchers on screen.

Print Pre-Check

Click the Print Pre-Check button to open a print dialog box.  Select a printer and click Print.


Click the Next button to move on to Print Processing - Print Checks.  Checks will be created for the selected vouchers.


Click the Back button to return to Check Processing - Create Checks.


Clicking the Close button will close the program with the following options:

Check Processing - Print Checks

Starting Check #

The check number shown here will be the number assigned to the first check that will be printed.  Verify that the number is correct.  

Signature Password

If a password is required to print checks with signatures, this field will be available for input.  If no password is required, this field will not be displayed.

Alignment Check

The Alignment Check button is only available when a dot matrix check format is selected.  The button will send a zero check to the printer to check alignment.

Check Printer

Verify that the printer shown to the right of the Check Printer button is the one you want to print the checks on.

If it is not the correct printer or if no printer is shown, click the Check Printer button to bring up the print dialog box.  Available printers will be shown in the select printer window.  Select a printer and click print.  The dialog box will close and the selected printer will be shown to the right of the button.

Print Checks

Press the Print Checks button to print the checks.  

If a signature password is required for the check book and no password has been entered, the following message will be displayed  ""Signature password does not match - Print without Signature?"

Verify that the checks have printed correctly.


The Back button may be pressed to return to Voucher Selection/Pre-Check Report until the checks have been printed when it will be disabled.


Click the Next button to move to Check Processing - Check Verification


Click the Close button to close out of the program.  The following Question box will be displayed:


Check Processing - Check Verification

The Check Verification view is used to clear and void checks.  If the checks printed correctly, click Next to proceed to Print ACH Forms.

If you have printed the checks before entering this view, the check number, vendor name, amount of the check will be shown and they will be marked as "Printed".

If you enter this view without printing the checks, the check numbers will be 0 and they will all be marked as "Set to Print"


Use the Clear button to indicate that a check or checks did not print correctly and the check number is still available for use.  

For example:  Checks did not print at all or were sent to the wrong printer and printed on plain paper.

Place a check mark before each check line that needs cleared and reprinted, then press the Clear button.


Use the Void button to indicate that a check or checks did not print correctly and the check number cannot be used again.

For Example:  Checks jammed during the print process and some checks were damaged.

Place a check mark before each check line that needs to be voided and reprinted, then press the Void button.


Voided and cleared checks may be reprinted all at one time, they do not have to be reprinted separately.

Select All

Use the Select All button to select/checkmark all checks to Clear or Void.


Use the Reset button to remove all the checkmarks from selected lines.

Process Range

Use the Process Range button with the blank fields above it to select or un select (check or un check) a range of check numbers


The Back will take you back to Check Processing - Print Checks


Click the Next button to move to Check Processing - Print ACH Forms


Click the Close button to close out of the program.  The following Question box will be displayed:

Check Processing - Print ACH Forms

This section of check processing is for printing ACH stubs for vendors that have been setup for electronic payment.  If there are no electronic payments during the check run, click Next to continue on to the next step.

If there are electronic payments for vendors during this check run, print out ACH forms for each vendor that will be paid electronically.

Starting ACH #

Verify that the ACH # is correct.  If correct continue on to ACH Form Printer.

ACH Form Printer

Verify that the printer shown to the right of the ACH Form Printer button is the one you want to print the ACH forms on.

If it is not the correct printer or if no printer is shown, click the ACH Form Printer button to bring up the print dialog box.  Available printers will be shown in the print dialog window.  Select a printer and click print.  The dialog box will close and the selected printer will be shown to the right of the button.

Print ACH Forms/Assign ACH Numbers

Press the Print ACH Forms/Assign ACH Numbers button to begin printing ACH Forms.


The Back button will take you back to the Check Verification screen.


Click the Next button to move to the ACH Verification view.


Click the Close button to close out of the program.  The following Question box will be displayed:

Check Processing - ACH Verification

The ACH verification view is used to clear and void ACH stubs.  If ACH forms printed correctly click Next to continue.

If you have printed the ACH forms before entering this view, the ACH number, vendor name, amount of the check will be shown and they will be marked as "Printed".

If you enter this view without printing the ACH forms, the ACH numbers will be 0 and they will all be marked as "Set to Print"


Use the Clear button to indicate that an ACH form did not print correctly and the ACH number is still available for use.  

For example:  Forms did not print at all or were sent to the wrong printer.

Place a check mark before each ACH line that needs cleared and reprinted, then press the Clear button.


Use the Void button to indicate that an ACH Form did not print correctly and the form number cannot be used again.

For Example: Forms jammed during the print process and some forms were damaged.

Place a check mark before each check line that needs to be voided and reprinted, then press the Void button.

Select All

Use the Select All button to select/checkmark all forms to Clear or Void.


Use the Reset button to remove all the checkmarks from selected lines.

Process Range

Use the Process Range button with the blank fields above it to select or un select (check or un check) a range of form numbers


The Back button will take you back to Check Processing - Print ACH Forms.


Click the Next button to move to Check Processing - Post Checks.


Click the Close button to close out of the program.  The following Question box will be displayed:

Check Processing - Post Checks

This step must be completed in order for the printed checks to be sent to the Checkbook, Vendor History and the Accounts Payable Edit and Interface areas.

Once posting has started, the check book will be unlocked.


Press the Finish button to post the checks/forms that were printed and unlock the checkbook.  

Process Complete

When the posting process has finished, the process complete info box will be displayed with the following question "Print Check Register"


It is recommended that the Check Register be printed out and kept for your records.