Revised: 11/26/2012
Used to void a check that has not been recorded in the checkbook and to maintain the proper check sequence and show the check number in the checkbook as voided. This is usually because the physical paper check has been destroyed, ripped, or made unusable in some way.
Go to Activities>>Voucher Entry
Note: It is recommended that users use the TAB key to move from field to field on the voucher entry screen.
Under Trans Type, select “Simple Void” and TAB
Select a Vendor #. It is recommended that you have a vendor called “Void”, a "Misc" vendor, or you could also use an internal vendor created for your own company for this purpose.
Select an appropriate Paygroup for the checkbook you wish to void the check in.
In the “Invoice Date” and “GL Date” fields, the current date would be appropriate or use the date of date of checks already written that this check number is with the check number sequence.
In the “Invoice Description” field, you should type Void Check or a more descriptive term as to why the check is being voided.
The Invoice Amount should be $0.00.
In the “Check #” field, enter the number of the check you need to void.
The Check Date should be the same as the GL date used.
Press the Save button
You do not need to enter anything on the Distributions tab. This will not post to the General Ledger, only to the checkbook.
Close AP Voucher Entry if you are done entering transactions.
AP Voucher Edit List
Go to Activities>>Voucher Edit List
Select the Pay Group or leave blank for all
If setup for dates you may enter a Due Date or GL Transaction Date to constrain the report
Review source and transaction types, make changes if applicable by un-checking or checking boxes.
Click Preview or Print
Review the report.
If there are errors go back to AP Voucher Entry, pull up vouchers by selecting the appropriate Voucher #. Fix any errors and preview or print the edit list again.
Post Vouchers
Go to Activities>>Post Vouchers
Use the same selection criteria you used for the edit list to make sure you post the same information you reviewed.
Click Post
Print the report for your records