Revised: 03/13/2013
Go to Activities>>Reconciliation Process
On the top left of the screen, select the appropriate Check Book ID
On the bottom right of the screen, enter the bank's Statement Balance
Enter or select the Statement Date (this is the date of your bank statement)
If there are bank errors that need adjusting, enter the amount in Adjustments/Bank Errors (this amount can be added at any time during the reconciliation process if it is needed)
Press “Start Reconciling”…the screen will fill with un-cleared deposits and checks through the bank statement date that was entered
Using your mouse, enter a checkmark in the box next to each item that has cleared the bank statement.
Note: This will not update the X cleared box in "View Check Book". This is not updated until you complete the reconciliation by pressing the "Process" button.
Voided Checks. If you have voided a check and the Void Date used is before the Statement date, then that check will not show in the reconciliation window, as the system will have automatically cleared it. If the Void Date used is after the statement date, then it will show in the reconciliation window with a V in front of the check number. You cannot mark this check as cleared.
For Example: Check #301 is dated 1/20/2010. You void it using 3/10/2010 as the transaction date. You begin reconciling as of 2/28/2010. The check has not been voided as of 2/28/2010 so it is still outstanding. It shows as V000301 and will appear on the outstanding check reports for 2/28/2010. When you reconcile on 3/31/2010, check #301 will not appear in the reconciliation window and the system will clear it automatically.
To mark a consecutive range of check numbers as cleared, in the lower left is a "Process Range" button with 2 blank boxes above it. Enter the first check number in the top box and the last check number in the bottom box. Press the "Process Range" button. All of these check numbers, for the range entered, will be checked.
If there are items on your bank statement that are missing from the reconciliation, then you may need to enter additional Journal Vouchers or Non-AP checks to record these items. Close the Checkbook Reconciliation program and return after adding the missing items. The items that have been checked will retain their check marks.
If you do exit and return, you may need to re-enter the checkbook ID, and bank statement information and hit “Start Reconciling” again. Your work from the previous session will appear.
When you are done, the “Balances” section on the top right must have a difference of Zero, otherwise, you should continue to investigate any differences
Some causes of this difference may be items you do not wish to correct in the system, such as a bank error. In these cases, complete the reconciliation as below and print the "Reconciliation Balance Report". Write on the report the differences between the bank statement and check book. Keep for your records and verify that the items have been corrected during next month's reconciliation.
Differences that are a result of these errors may be entered in the Adjustments/Bank Errors field to save the information with the reconciliation.
When the difference is zero and you are finished reconciling, press the “Process Reconciliation” button at the top of the view. This will update the checkbook for the cleared items from the current reconciliation.
Go to Activities>>Balance Report to print the results of your bank reconciliation
Go to Activities>>Outstanding Item list to print the Outstanding Item List for the current reconciliation
Remember, the Checkbook and Trial Balance are 2 separate things in the Horizon Programs…you should always compare the Reconciled Checkbook Balance with the Trial Balance after all month-end processes have been completed.
NOTE: Once you have processed the cleared transactions for a month, running the Reconciliation Balance Report or the Outstanding Item list for a previous month can be run by entering the correct selection criteria. Un-reconciled items from earlier months may now be cleared.
NOTE: You can always view the current balance in the Checkbook by going to Activities>>View Check Book