Revised: 07/02/2015
Go to Maintain>>Transaction Code Master
For an existing transaction code:
Edit or change any information except the transaction code
Click the Save or Apply icon to save your changes
For a new transaction code:
Enter a unique 4 digit number for the new transaction code and tab
Enter a description for the code and tab
Select the Code Type of either Expense or Income and tab
Select the appropriate Category from the following list and then tab:
Black Lung Income
Clothing Expense
Conserved Funds
Dependant Support Expense
Education Expenses
Fair Share
Fee for Service
Food Expense
Housing Expense
Medical/Dental Expense
Other Expenses
Other Income
Personal Expense
Rent or Mortgage Expense
Rent Rebate
Savings Expense
Social Security Income
SSA Income
Utilities Expense
VA Benefits
If the code is allowed to create a negative balance for the client, check the "Allow this code to create a negative client balance". Leave the box unchecked if this code should not process if the client has insufficient funds, tab
Enter or select the appropriate general ledger account number for this code to create a credit entry in - and tab
Enter or select the appropriate general ledger account number for this code to create a debit entry in - and tab
If you want to associate a Pay Group code, enter or select the appropriate pay group code or leave this field blank and tab
If you want to assign a default accounts payable account to debit, enter or select the appropriate general ledger account number or leave this field blank.
Click the Save or Apply icon