Revised: 07/17/2015
This how to includes the following information:
Go to Activities>>Income Entry
Transaction Information
Enter or select the Receipt date: tab
Enter or select the Transaction code: tab
The Modified description field will automatically fill in with the description that was entered when the transaction code was initially entered into your program. This description may be changed. Tab
Client Information
Enter or select the Client number for the appropriate client. The Client’s last name, first name, and middle initial will automatically fill in.
Once the client is selected, the Balances boxes to the far right will show the client balance. The Posted box will show the current balance for all posted income and expenses. The Unposted box will show the total of all unposted income and expense transactions. The Total box will show the future balance once all entered transactions have been posted.
Tab to the Create G/L Entry check box which is usually not used and tab again
The default Pay Group for the client will be entered. This may be changed when necessary.
Tab to the Amount Received field and enter the amount of income
Tab to the Reference field and enter a reference for this transaction if you wish to do so and tab
The Save prompt will open, click Yes to save the income transaction.
Note: The retain transaction code and retain client information checkboxes are used to retain the checked information for the next transaction. This can be used to save time if you are entering multiple transactions for the same client or multiple transactions that are going to using the same transaction code. This saves you from selecting the client and/or the transaction code for the next entry.
Go to Activities>>Income Edit List
After you enter all of the income transactions you can run the Income Edit List.
This will create an income transaction edit list based on your selections. You can display the information on the edit list by Entry order, Client Number order, or by Client Name (ALPHA). You can also choose to break the report by income transaction code (if multiple income codes were used when entering the income transactions).
Once you have made your selections,
Click either Preview, or Print.
Note: It is suggested that you preview your Edit list before printing for several reasons. First, you can easily view the information on your screen and go back and fix, add, or delete the income transaction that was incorrect without having to actually print the report. This may save you some time and paper if you need to make corrections. Also, you can print the report from within the preview by simply clicking on the print icon. If you choose to print the report without previewing it first, you may not like the way you grouped it, also, you may see transactions that need to be corrected which you will have to run the edit for again after you have made corrections.
Once you are satisfied with the information on your Edit List, the next step is Posting (Finalizing) the transactions
Go to Activities>>Post Income
After you post, you will get a prompt to print your transaction register. Click Yes to print the income transactions that you just posted. (Recommended) See: Report Printing Options