Revised:  10/02/2013

How to Process Cash Receipts

The tenant management module should be in Standard Cash Receipts Mode to use this how to.  To verify go to Settings>>Tenant Accounting>>Cash Receipts Setup (tab).  Cash Receipts Mode should have Standard selected.  If you are in Class Mode use How To Process Cash Receipts in Class Mode.

Cash Receipts Entry

Activities >> Cash Receipt Processing >> Cash Receipts Entry

These fields are one time only or not used during individual entry process.

The cursor automatically begins with the Tenant Number for entry:

Editing a Cash Receipts Entry

A Cash Receipt cannot be edited or deleted if a receipt has been printed.  Adjustments may be made by entering a second transaction or by voiding the transaction using the Void Receipt program from the Quick Link menu and reentering the cash receipt.

Activities >> Cash Receipt Processing >> Cash Receipts Entry

This procedure is only allowed if a receipt has not been printed.

Cash Receipts Edit List

Activities >> Cash Receipt Processing >> Cash Receipts Edit List

Post Cash Receipts

Activities >> Cash Receipt Processing >> Post Cash Receipts