Revised: 10/02/2013

How to Process Cash Receipts in Class Mode

To verify that you are in class mode go to Settings>>Tenant Accounting>>Cash Receipts Setup (tab).  Cash Receipts Mode should be set to Class Mode to use this how to otherwise use How to Process Cash Receipts.

Cash Receipts Entry

Go to Activities>>Cash Receipt Processing>>Cash Receipts Entry

Continue to enter all the cash receipts for the day.  Close Cash Receipts Entry when finished and proceed to Cash Receipt Edit List.

Cash Receipts Edit List

Go to Activities>>Cash Receipt Processing>>Cash Receipts Edit List

NOTE:  A Cash Receipt cannot be edited or deleted if a receipt has been printed.  Adjustments may be made by entering a second transaction or by voiding the transaction using the Void Receipt program from the Quick Link menu and reentering the cash receipt.

Cash Receipt Entry

This process is only allowed if a receipt has not been printed.

Post Cash Receipts

Go to Activities>>Cash Receipt Processing>>Post Cash Receipts