
Accounting Code G/L Link/Check Books

Go to Maintain>>Tenant Accounting Tables>>General Ledger Links/Check Books

This program is used to associate Accounting Codes with General Ledger Account Numbers and Check Book information.

When an accounting code is used in the program the links set here will determine which general ledger account number will be debited or credited.  The general ledger information may then be interfaced into the General Ledger.

When a new Accounting Code is setup, it should be linked to general ledger account numbers and check book information for each applicable Area/Community combination in this program before it is used.


When Tenant Accounting Settings>>Cash Receipt Setup has Cash Receipt Mode set to Class Mode, an Accounting code that has a class of Pre-Paid Rent will cause journal vouchers to be created during End of Month Processing when linked in the General Ledger Links/Check Books program.  If your agency does not want the automatic journal vouchers to be created, do not link the Pre-Paid Rent codes.

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as save and delete.  For more information on functions, click here.


Select an Area Number and an associated Community Number to setup linking information for each applicable Accounting Code.

Area Number

Select a valid area number.

Community Number

Select a community number that is associated with the selected area number to setup, view or edit general ledger account numbers and check book information.

Linking Grid

The grid will display information that has already been setup.  The information that is shown may be edited.

For new Area/Community combinations or for new accounting codes, select an accounting code to assign general ledger credit, debit account numbers and check book information.

Column headers that have the greater than symbols (>>) have browse capabilities to assist in selecting information.


This column will show Accounting Codes that have previously been setup.  New Accounting Codes may be added by selecting or entering the new code on a blank line.


The column will display the description for a selected Accounting Code.  Descriptions are entered and maintained in Accounting Codes.


The T column will display either a D for debit or C for credit for the selected Accounting Code.  Accounting Code Type information is setup and maintained in Accounting Codes.

Credit Account>>

Select the general ledger account number that may be credited when the Accounting Code is used.

Both a credit and a debit account number should be assigned to each Accounting Code as negative numbers used in a transaction will create an opposite type entry.

For Example:

If the T column shows a C for credit and a transaction is done using a negative amount for the Accounting Code the transaction will use the debit account information.

Debit Account>>

Select the general ledger account number that should possibly be debited when the Accounting Code is used.

Both a credit and a debit account number should be assigned to each Accounting Code as negative numbers used in a transaction will create an opposite type entry.

For Example:

If the T column shows a D for debit and a transaction is done using a negative amount for the Accounting Code the transaction will use the credit account.


Compression Preference - when checked the entries for the code/general ledger combination will be compressed into one entry at the end of the month to interface into the general ledger.

For Example:

If the 01-00 Cash Account code associated with the GL account 1000111101000 for the Debit Account had a checkmark in the CP column.  Then all debits for the entire month using a code 01-00 and general ledger account number 1000111101000 combination would show only one entry at the end of the month to interface to the general ledger.


Select a Check Book ID to interface to or leave the field blank if you do not want entries interfaced into a check book.


In Settings>>Tenant Accounting the Batch Processing Mode on the Main tab must be set to one of the interface modes for CB Mode.  If CB Mode is set to No Interface, the system will not interface to a check book even if one is selected in the Linking Grid.

If the CB Mode is set to a checkbook interface mode the program will interface into a checkbook as long as at least one of the 01-## codes has been linked to a checkbook.

IFC Code>>

An IFC Code may be selected for the related community in this column for a tenant or utility refund.  After posting an adjustment, the IFC Code will automatically fill on the "Distributions" tab in AP Voucher Entry.