Revised:  10/25/2013

Tenant Billing Codes

Go to Maintain>>Tenant Accounting Tables>>Accounting Codes

This program is used to setup codes that may be used in, Auto Bills, Cash Receipts Entry, Adjustment Entry, Move Out and Transfer Wizards.

The program, when installed, will have basic accounting codes already entered.  Users may add their own codes as needed.

Accounting Codes (Tenant Billing Codes) should be linked in General Ledger Links/Check Books program to general ledger accounts and check book information for each Area/Community combination before they are used.


When Tenant Accounting Settings>>Cash Receipt Setup has Cash Receipt Mode set to Class Mode, an Accounting code that has a class of Pre-Paid Rent will cause journal vouchers to be created during End of Month Processing when linked in the General Ledger Links/Check Books program.  If your agency does not want the automatic journal vouchers to be created, do not link the Pre-Paid Rent codes.

See Also:

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as clear and delete.  For more information on functions click here.


Accounting Code

Select an accounting code to view or enter a new 4 digit numerical accounting code in a ##-## format.

Once setup and saved the accounting code is a key value and should not be changed.


When a valid account code has been selected, its description will be displayed and may be edited.

For a new accounting code enter a description.


Entry Type

Select an entry type of either Debit or Credit for the code.


Select one of the following classifications:

Due Date Mode

Select one of the following for Due Date Mode:

Code Status

Select one of the following:

Special Processing Setup

Contra Code

Some accounting codes require an additional accounting code entered as a contra or reversing code.  If this accounting code needs a contra code enter it here.

For example:

Do not prorate this code on move-out wizard transactions

If the dollar amounts associated with this code should not be prorated when the code is used in the move out wizard, check the box.

Interest Only (No required for S/D to A/R)

Check this box if this code is for distributed interest.  

When this field is checked, the distributed interest required fields will not be affected when a security deposit to accounts receivable code (usually a 14 code) is used during a move out or transfer.

Security Deposit Interest (Rent. Pet or FSS) is distributed using Distributed Interest Calculation found under Utilities.  The distributed interest generated during this process is shown in an interest held field on the Tenant Master (Active)>>Accounting tab if setup to do so.

Security Deposit interest fields may be added to the Tenant Master>>Accounting tab by selecting the appropriate accounting code on the Security Deposit/FSS tab under Security Deposit Receipt Accounting Codes.


The fields must be added to the Tenant Master before information is posted using the corresponding accounting code or the information will not be displayed on the Accounting tab.  The information will be in the tenant's activity and history.

Allow Credit to Apply Against any Class

Checkmark this box if this code should allow the credit to apply against any Class.