Revised:  06/12/2014

Global Task Setup

Go to Utilities>>Global Task Setup

This program is used to create global tenant tasks and open a batch of certifications for multiple households or members based on the selection criteria entered.

See Also:

Function Menu

At the top of the view are some functions such as clear and close.  For more information on functions, click here.

General Selections

Area Number

Enter or select an Area Number for the process.

Community Number

Enter or select a Community Number for the process.

Select Date Fields to Compare

Checkmark one or both of the following options:

Enter a Date Range

Start Date

Enter or select a beginning date for the process range.

End Date

Enter or select an ending date for the process range.

Category Selection

Select a Category or leave at the default of All Categories.

Auto Update Action and Dates

This box should be checked when opening a batch of certifications.


Press the Create button to begin the process.


Pressing the Cancel button will close the view.