Income/Asset Type Master File

Go to Maintain>>Tenant management Tables>>Income/Asset Codes

This program is used to setup and maintain income or asset codes to be used in the Income Information and Asset Information programs.

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as save and clear.  For more information on functions, click here.


To create a new income/asset type enter a unique alpha-numeric code.  To view/edit an existing income/asset type, type the code into the field and hit the enter key or select it from the browse box menu.  

Class codes are key values and may not be changed once they have been saved and used in a tenant's record.


To create a new description, enter up to a 30 digit alpha-numeric description.  The description will automatically display for an existing code that has been selected. The description may be edited.

New Type

When creating a new income/asset type, select the type of income/asset to associate with the code from the following:

For an existing Income/Asset Code the New Type that was previously selected will be displayed.  

59/1944 Type

When creating a new code for 50059/1944 income/asset types, select the appropriate 50059/1944 form type of income/asset from the following:

For an existing Income or Asset Code the 59/1944 type previously entered will be displayed.

Default Address Information

When creating a new income/asset type, enter the default address information.  This information will automatically display in the Tenant Master>>Household Composition>>Income or Asset Information detail when an income/asset code with a default address is selected.  

Source Name

Enter the default source name for the Income or Asset.

Address Line 1 and 2

Enter the default address for the income or asset source.  If the second address line is not needed it may be left blank.

City, State and Zip Code

Enter the default city, state and zip code for the income or asset.

Phone Number

Enter a default phone number for the income/asset.

Fax Number

Enter a fax number for the income/asset.

Letter Interface

Section 8 / Tenant Management / Online Applications / Waiting List

In each of these fields a Merge Template code can be entered or selected.  When a merge letter/form associated with the code is selected in Custom Forms and Letters in Tenant Master (Active), it will print if the tenant has this income/asset code entered in his/her record in the Income or Asset Worksheet.


Check the unduplicated box if you do not want a verification letter printed more than one time when a member has the same deduction code used on two or more lines.  Or if the Income/Asset Code is used in two or more member's Worksheets.

If you want a verification letter printed for each entry, do not check the unduplicated field.

For example:

If you used the same Income/Asset code in the tenant's Income or Asset Worksheet more than one time, but you entered a different source in the detail for each one, the unduplicated field should not be checked as the letters would be addressed to different sources.



Auto Ded/Excl

Select one of the following automatic deduction or exclusion options:

Section 8 Specific Code

Place a checkmark in the box if the Income/Asset Class code is only for the Section 8 program.

Tenant Management Specific Code

Place a checkmark in the box if the Income/Asset Class code is only to be used in the Tenant Management program.