Revised: 02/25/2014

Tenant Management Settings

Go to Settings>>Tenant Management

This program contains information for rent calculation, merge, inspection, Tracs, PIC, credit checks and Section 3.

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as save and close.  Not all functions work in every program.  For more information on functions, click here.

Rent Calculation Settings


Rent Calculation Parameters

Percentage Used For Deduction Calculation

Enter the percentage.

For Example:


Exemption Amounts

Minors 17 or Under (Never Spouse)

Enter the exemption dollar amount allowed for minors.

For Example:


Disabled Adults (Never Head or Spouse)

Enter the exemption amount for a disabled adult.

For Example:


Full Time Students 18 or Older

Enter the exemption amount allowed for a full time student who is 18 years of age or older.

For Example:


Elderly Family (Disabled or Handicapped)

Enter the exemption amount allowed for elderly, disabled or handicapped family.

For Example:


Imputed Income Calculation

For Asset Value Greater Than or Equal To

Enter the dollar amount that an asset must be greater than or equal to for imputed income.

For Example:


Multiply the Value By

Enter the percentage to multiply the asset value by.

For Example:


Minimum Rent Amount

Enter the minimum rent amount.

For Example:


Percentages for Rent Calculations

Rent Ratio

Enter the rent ratio percentage.

For Example:



Enter the minimum percentage amount.

For Example:


Max Rent

Enter the maximum rent percentage.

For Example:


Transfer Settings

Create Accounting Entries on Transfer

Place a checkmark in the box to have the program create accounting entries for transferred tenants.  

Retro Settings

Prompt to Create Retro Entries in Rent Calc

Enter a checkmark in the box to have the program prompt users to review suggested transactions, if applicable, when changes are made to a prior rent calculation.  Users may post and print a transaction register for the suggested transactions.

Note:  At this time this process does not apply to Tax Credit properties.

Other Options

Enhanced Edit

A check mark in the Enhanced Edit box will put the Tenant Master (Active) files into "Read Only" mode unless unlocked from the Quick Link menu.  When in Read Only mode users cannot add or save changes to the tenant's information, with the exception of notes, tasks, actions and attachments, without unlocking the file.

When in Enhanced Edit mode tenant information is archived each time a tenant's file is unlocked by the current effective date.  Archived tenant information is stored as an .xml attachment on the Attachment Tab.

When an archived file is opened, the tenant's file will remain open as the archived file until closed using one of the archive closing options from the quick link menu or until the Tenant Management module is restarted.

Start on Name

When the Start on Name box is checked, the cursor will default to the Last Name field instead of Tenant Number when the following programs are opened:

Rent Change Review/Update Default Mode

Review Mode

Select one of the following modes as the default for Rent Change Review and Rent Change Update:

These are default settings only.  The default option can be changed when Rent Change Review and Rent Change Update is run.


Default Area

A Tenant Management Area Code may be selected as the default.  If you do not want one area to be the default selections in the programs, this field may be left blank.

Merge Setup/HQS Paths

Letterhead Settings

Lines 1 through 6

Enter the housing authority name, address, phone and fax information on the 6 lines.  This information is used to merge into a letterhead format or company information for letters and forms.  Lines may be left blank if not needed.

Other Settings

Letter Sort

Select one of the following default sort options for Custom Forms and Letters:

This is a default setting and may be changed on a one time basis in Custom Forms and Letters.

Check boxes

A check mark may be in the following options that apply:

Signature Mode - Summary Application

Select one of the following signature options on the Summary Application.

Inspection Interface

Inspection Path

Enter the data path for inspection information.

For Example:


Section 8 Company

S8 Company Code

Enter or select the company code for section 8.  This field may be blank if the Horizon Section 8 module is not installed.

For Example:


Transmission Setup

Transmission information is used during the creation and transmission of 50058s.

General Information

Agency Name

Enter the agency name for transmissions.

Agency State

Enter the two digit state abbreviation.

For Example:


Agency Code

Enter the agency's code.

50058 Setup

PIC Code

Enter the PIC code for the agency.

Tool Program

Enter the network path to HUDs 50058tool.bat.

For Example:


Tool Path

Enter the network path to the folder.

For Example:



Credit Checks

Credit Bureau IDs

Innovis ID

Enter your agency's identification information.  This field may be left blank if your agency does not use Innovis to check credit information.

Equifax ID

Enter your agency's identification information for Equifax.  This field may be left blank if your agency does not use Equifax to check credit information.

Experian ID

Enter your agency's identification information for Experian.  This field may be left blank if your agency does not use Experian to check credit information.

Trans Union ID

Enter your agency's identification information for Trans Union.  This field may be left blank if your agency does not use Trans Union to check credit information.

File Location

Metro Path

Enter the network path to the file.


Section 3 Setup

Define Skills

Skill 1 - 20

Agencies may define up to 20 skills that members may be proficient in for employment.